Don't leave me here!

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I got home and both my parents were sitting there, they looked sad. They both hugged me, then my mom said, "honey, we are going to leave for over 6 months but can't bring you... Your old enough to stay home alone, we are going out for business, we will send you more money weekly, and will pay the bills for the house, we are leaving tomorrow, and will be leaving you money and will buy you food before we leave, but you are gonna need to buy more soon... Please be safe and make sure you do good in school... We love you!"

I hugged them, and started to cry. They were crying, "I hope you have fun, you better get some sleep,we will be gone before you wake up.." They both said sniffling.

~~Next day~~

I got to school and got into my gym strip. I was sad, and Jack could tell. I didn't try in gym today. The bell rang and Jack grabbed my arm and dragged me to his office and pushed me into his office. I just tumbled to the floor, I didn't care. He picked me up and put me on the chair, I was holding my emotions back. He slammed his fist on to the desk, and looked at me. I didn't even flinch, he knew I was upset. He grabbed my chin, to raise my face up. "What is upsetting you (y/n)?" He said in a sad tone.

I looked at him and sighed. " my parents left, they will be gone for over 6 months..." I said.

I realized that was a mistake, Jack smirked. "Your lucky I don't know where you live" Jack said snickering.

I looked at him and my eyes went wide. Jack grabbed my face and kissed me again. Then shoved me onto the table, I started to shake, and cry. I pushed him out of the way, unlocked the door and ran. There was still 45 minutes left before the bell rang. Jack followed me so I didn't run to my house. I ran around and thought I lost him and ran home. I didn't lose him, he watched me run into my house. I sat on my bed, I made sure the doors were locked. "Thank gosh it's Saturday tomorrow... It is too late to change gym classes..." I said softly to myself. I heard the bell ring, and I sunk in my bed in relief. I fell asleep and woke up to someone knocking at my door, I looked at the time and it was 4:30 pm. I got up and answered the door. It was....

End of chapter

Hey guys, I'm leaving it at a cliff hanger... Please do leave feed back, ask questions, leave suggestions, and if you liked it, press the vote button... (Trying not to do Jacks outro for this XD) hopefully your enjoying it so far!

The gym teacher (Jacksepticeye X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now