Please, dont find me!

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I was still hiding in a closet, hoping Jack wouldn't find me still. Felix making sure Jack didn't go into the closet I was in. I started to look around as much as I could see, it was very dark in the closet. I heard someone walking to the closet, and the closet door opened. I sat there looking up at a man with black and red hair. He seemed to look Korean, and German? He wore glasses, and he was actually kinda hot. I thought, wow, is this the guy I over heard Jack talking about... The man looked down at me and was confused. "Jack there's a girl in your closet!" He yelled.

Jack ran up the stairs and I just sat there. Jack smiling, "so there you are..." He said.

I got up and tried to shove past the two men standing there, but Guy hugged me and I couldn't get out of his grasp."good job Mark" Jack mentioned.

Mark then handed me to Jack and he handcuffed me to him... I got to escape from here, but how, I though to myself. Jack smiled and then said,"you won't be going home, better get used of this place"

I glared at Jack and he smiled more. I went to reach for my phone that is usually in my pocket, but it wasn't... It must still be at my house.... But Jack had it in his pocket.... I grabbed jacks hands and tried to play it off, to get my phone. Jack looking down at me, I bit my lip and he smirked. I grabbed his face and kissed him, running my down to his butt and grabbed his butt insulted of my phone. I realized what I did and it was perfect for my plan... He wouldn't think I was going for my phone, but I am. I quickly grabbed my phone and slipped it into my pocket without him knowing. The hand cuff keys were in the same pocket, I remembered that. I reached and grabbed the keys, he still didn't notice. I finally pulled off and we both smiled... That was more successful and I will  escape this place.

End of chapter.

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