Weird? (A/N)

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Book 2 is out, and a lot of other book too... They are really, really... Weird, by they are still good, and thank you guys for almost 500 views!! That's amazing! Like, I thought at the most I would get 100? But wow, that's a lot of people! Even if it's like 50-70 people reading each chapter, it's a lot of people, and I mean it when I say this! Thank you guys for all the support, your a great group of people to have reading my books... Honestly, your comments make me smile when I'm sad, and your support toward my book is impeccable!! I love to write books, so I hope you are enjoying my content as much as I love writing it! So if you like this book, maybe try my other books? You don't have too, it's a suggestion, if you have any problems and need help, you can always dm/pm me, I will try to reply, unless like a million people start messaging me... Then that's kinda difficult... But just know I am here, I have been through a lot, and I know how life is.... So once again, I can't thank you guys enough!

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