Why am I here?!

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I opened the door and Jack was there, I was scared. He was smirking evilly, and he grabbed me. He kissed me, and I pushed him off, slamming the door and locked it, I went to my room and locked my room. I fell asleep, but I woke up chained to a bed. It wasn't mine, nor was it any in my house... I smelt the air and it smelt exactly like... Jack? Oh, no...I sat there and started to cry, why does he want me so bad?! I looked around more, I looked down. These were not chains, they are ropes! I started to chew the ropes, and broke them off. I got up and walked to the door, about to open it. Then I heard someone walking to the door... I stopped and looked for somewhere to hide. I seen the window, so why don't I truck him? I opened the window, then I hid under the bed. The door was opened, and there was foot steps. "Shoot she escaped, well I'm going to find her..." I then quickly got out of under the bed, and brushed myself off. I walked to the door to hear if he was breathing or walking nearby. I continued to open the door, then I heard his car door close and the car drive away. I sighed in relief, and all of a sudden I was pinned down, I was extremely scared, and I was going to cry, but it wasn't Jack... "Who are you?" I asked.

"I was just going to ask the same to a beautiful women like you, I'm Felix." The man replied.

"I'm (y/n), Jack kidnapped me..." I replied.

"Oh I know, I was going to break you free" Felix replied.

"Oh really??" I said.

"Yup, I want you to myself, you deserve to be treated properly and I want you to have freedom!" He replied.

I smiled and hugged him,"I don't know why Jack would do this..."  I said, in a shy tone.

Felix nodded, "he wants you, you make him happy, he is usually hiding his emotions and trying to act happy but you actually make him Happy, and he doesn't want to lose you.." He explained.

Jack came in the house again, Felix and I freaked out. He ran to a closet and put me in it and closed it and ran to his room. Jack came upstairs and went to talk to Felix. "Hey have you seen        (y/n)?" Jack asked

"Huh? Oh! No I have not..." Felix replied.

"Oh, Mark wanted to meet her.." Jack said.

Mark? Who is Mark? This isn't going to go well is it? Oh no!

End of chapter

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