Thats not good....

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I woke up and was happy to still be in my bed, at my house. It's was the weekend still, so it wasn't fully wasted. I started to collect things so that I could draw. Once I got my stuff together, I started to draw. I was an amazing drawer, and I loved my art style. I was draw a random thing, but then it looked like Jack.... I freaked out and threw all my stuff I had on the floor. Why would I draw him?! I yelled. I continued to sit there and freak out.

~~Felix's POV~~

I woke up to not hearing Jack yell, it was so peaceful. Mark was already up and downstairs playing video games. I smiled and joined him, playing GTA 5 and other stuff. I would try to get Mark to play undertale, but he refused every time I tried... After a good at least 5 hours of video games, I decided to text (y/n).


"Oh hello"

"How are you?"

"Um, heh, I'm.... Fine?"

"What's wrong...."

"Oh, nothing..."

"I'm coming over right now!"

"No Felix, it's fine!"

"I'm coming over! I don't care what you think!"

I put down the phone, and ran to the table with the keys, I grabbed the keys and ran to the car. Mark was confused, I started to drive to (y/n) place. I got there, and the door was wide open.... That's not good... I parked the car and got out. I locked the doors and ran into the house. I heard screaming.... There's something wrong....

~~(y/n) POV~~

I was in my room, and then the front door sounded like it was smashed open... That's not good.... I ran to my bedroom door and locked it, someone came running up the stairs. The person in my house must've heard me lock my door, Felix really should stop texting me.... It's making noise.... The person started knocking on my bedroom door. I started to have an Anxiety attack, and I couldn't stop moving. I started to breathe heavier, and then it felt like I couldn't breathe... Which of course isn't the best with anxiety....

"Let me in!" A Irish voice sounded.

"Jack?! How did you get out of jail!!" I screamed.

"I have my ways... Now let me in!" He said.

I heard another person run inside the house... NO PLEASE DON'T BE FELIX!!!

"Felix?! What are you doing here?!" Jack yelled.

My head then flew towards the ground... I started to cry. I couldn't do anything else but let Jack in, or yelling...I didn't want to stay quite, so I yelled.

"Felix! Don't do this!"

"I got to help you (y/n)... I... Love you! I can't just leave you!" He yelled back.

My heart sank, he l-l-l-loves me?? Jack then grabbed Felix by the neck, and started to strangle him. I was going to do something stupid, but I hope it will help... I opened the door... I ran out and jumped onto Jack. He let go of Felix and fell to the ground. I had him pinned, but then he flipped me onto my back and pinned me. He punched me in the face, and Felix seen it. Felix then sprung up and started beating up Jack.

"YOU DON'T PUNCH A GIRL!" Felix yelled.


I was on the ground, in a lot of pain. I was too nice to fight... But something sparked in my mind, I got up. I seem different, and I suddley walked up to the both of them. I grabbed the back of jacks shirt, and lifted him off of Felix. They both looked at me, I was stronger then I seemed... My hair over my face, I turned my head to face them... My face was bruised but looked extremely creepy.

"Now, Jack, the police are in their way... Sit here and be a good Irishman, or else!" I said in a creepy tone.

"And what will you do about it?" He said talking back.

I threw him on the ground, he screeched in pain. I was about to stomp on him, but then I stopped.

"You get the memo?" I said.

He nodded, he knew he would have to come back stronger to get me... The police arrived and grabbed Jack.

"Your going to jail, for a long time bub!" They said to him.

I then passed out, and the police scrambled to get me. Jack then ran away, and the police didn't get him. I woke up, and Felix was right there...

"Hey, (y/n) thank you... For saving me..." He said.

I looked and seen his neck was bruised, and he had a black eye... I reached up and grabbed his face. I kissed him, with passion. I pulled away, he was smiling.

"Hey (y/n)... Do you want to go out with me?" He asked shyly...

I nodded, and smiled. He smiled and hugged me.

~~few months later~~

Me and Felix were still dating, and Jack was still on the loose, we were happy together.

THE END (of book 1)

Hey guys! Thank you for all the support!!! I'm starting a second book!! Yes! I thought this would be a good time to end the book, but it's not over!!! I will sure to have part one out soon!! Please go check it out!!! And if you like this book you may like my other books!! Heh, vote for the chapter of you liked it!!! Follow me, i make so much more Fanfiction, more coming!!! Please go check out part 2 when it comes out!!! Thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed book 1!!

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