Escape plan

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It was time for bed and Jack still has not taken the handcuffs off. He hasn't even thought of it... I decided to wait until he falls asleep before I let my plan out.... So I was in my normal everyday cloths. I couldn't get changed because of the stupid handcuffs. So Jack laid down and forced me into bed by the handcuffs. He snuggled into me and drifted off to sleep, I then took the keys and silently unlocked the handcuffs on my side and locked the side that had my hand in, on the bed frame. Jack was how locked to his bed frame. I had to admit he did look adorable, but he was out for blood it seemed. I walked into the dark hall way and dropped the handcuff keys on the ground. I kicked them across the hall. I then heard groaning of someone waking up. I whispered, "please don't be Jack, please don't be Jack!" Over and over again. I heard walking in a bedroom, and that couldn't be Jack... I thought for a second, it's either Mark or Felix. I started to slightly grind my teeth, a door opened and I looked towards it. The hallway light turned on and it was Felix. I was relieved, and he walked towards me, he hugged me.

"Your made it out, now get going to your house and call the police on Jack..." He whispered.

I nodded and grabbed my things, I opened the door quietly, I glanced at Felix and blew him a kiss as I went out The door. I shut the door slowly and quietly. I ran to my house and locked all the doors and checked out the place, how did jack get in? I thought to myself. I picked up my cellphone and called the police.

~~Felix's POV~~

As (y/n) ran out the door, I knew it was right for me to help her. Maybe I could date her... Once I move out of here, I should consider asking her out. I thought to myself. I heard another door open, a tired Mark walked out.

"Felix, why are you up? It's 3 in the morning, I can't believe Jack isn't up! He always wakes up to noise..." Mark said.

We both stood there for a moment, looking at Jack's door... It was not opening. But there was a lot of movement...

"You know, that could be (y/n) trying to escape." Mark implied.

I nodded, knowing that she was gone...

"Hey we should check on them.." Mark implied.

I nodded once again and we walked up to the door, opened it and turned the lights on. Jack was up, and was trying to escape from the handcuffs, he looked really mad. Me and Mark just started to laugh.

"She got you, your stuck and she is gone.. The keys are down the hall..." I mentioned.

"How did she get them!?" Jack yelled.

"I actually don't know..." I replied.

"This isn't good!!" Jack yelled again.

Mark sitting there completely confused, there was a knock on the door. Felix ran down the stairs and opened the door, the police were at the door. Jacks eyes grew wide, and he struggled more. The police walked up the stairs, and into the room that Felix directed them to.

"Sean McLauglin? You are under arrest for kidnapping (y/n) (l/n)" the police officer said.

They took Jack out of the hand cuffs and then re handcuffed him, they took him to jail.... He was sentenced to 1 month in jail.

"(Y/n) probably told them to have him away for a month.." Felix said.

Mark nodded, I ran down the stairs and locked the door. Then ran back to my room.

"GOOD NIGHT MARK?!" I yelled.

"Good night Felix." He replied.

Then we went to bed.

~~(y/n) POV~~

I was ready for bed, so I hopped into bed and went to sleep.

End of chapter

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