Chapter 3- Fate has given me a gift.

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I was in the middle of making dinner when Father came home. He was in a good mood today, I could tell the way he gently hung his coat and slowly walked with a grin upon his face. I chose not to question this and to savor his peacful mood.

He came towards me slowly, still grinning. I was frightened but could not let it show, I only continued stirring the noodles adding salt. I felt him standing behind me after a couple of seconds, then felt his arms wrap around my mid section. He rested his chin on my shoulder looking at my face, I felt his breath smother me, but I would not move or make a sound.

Finally, when i put the noodles into a bowl, he turned me around looking into my eyes. I held his stare with no emotion. Then he smiled even wider and attacked my lips with his. Thankfully it was over almost as soon as it started.

"I have wonderful news to share Aria." Even his voice sounded cunning.

"Yes, Father?" I asked unamused.

"i have decided to rent out your room to get more money, and today I got a call from a young man whom said he was a traveler, he has given it up and wanted to start fresh in a small town. No love. No family. Now before he gets here, I have some rules. Rule number 1, if he decided he wants to play with you, you let him, because it is obvious he has lost his mate. Rule number 2, you will cater hand and foot to him. Rule number 3, you will be a perfect lady we want him to stay. Lastly, rule number 4, you will wear what I pick out for you everyday and night. Understood?"

"Father, where would I sleep?" I asked. I internally begged him not to say with him. Please, not there.

"You will sleep in the basement, because i do not want to see you sneaking out of my room to go to his. Also, I would have you to myself every night and that just isn't fair. Understood, Child?"

"Yes, Father. When will he be here?"

"In a few hours. He is just getting used to the town. Here, go put this on." He said handing me an outfit.

I sighed, and fixed Father his plate while I went to my room and started packing. Once everything was in boxes, I started bringing them to the basement. Everytime I walked past the living room my Father would be watching me with lust filled eyes.

Once I finished, I looked around my "new room". It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It needs a good sweeping and a less broken bed but, it is livable. I then noticed the outfit laying on the bed. I heard a knock upstairs, then my Father yelling for me. I quickly pulled the shirt and pants on and darted up the stairs two at a time nearly running into the front door. When I caught my breath, I opened the door and sucked in a breath of air.

Before me stood a beautiful man. He towered over my 5'8" frame with his 6'5". His eyes sparkled blue with laces of green shining in them. You can see a shadow of hair freckled across his chin, and his dirty blonde hair was a messy reck that would look hideous on any other guy... Except him. He managed to pull off these beautiful traits that could make any man cocky, but you can tell he has a heart as fluffy as a rabbit. I noticed his red and black plaid button up wide open showing his white beater underneath, and his ripped light blue jeans hugging his thighs.

"Hello," I barley heard his deep voice whisper. I sighed and nearly closed my eyes in hearing his voice.

"Aria! Manners! I am so sorry Connor, please excuse my daughter." My Father apologized.

I shook my head and smiled, "Good evening, Connor. I am Aria. May I show you to your room?"

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