Chapter 6- What else was I supposed to do?

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MUST READ!! Aria's dad's name has not been mentioned, so I will tell you it is Trevor. Also, her moms name is Lydia. sorry for not mentioning this sooner! Have a wonderful day/night.



"Lydia... Why?" I whispered. "Why did you insist on taking her on a walk that day? She looks so much like you." I paused, thinking, "Lydia. I think there is something wrong with me. Sometimes I would think she is you... Babygirl, i need you." I stopped due to the choking sobs that ran through my body.

If anybody was to look at me, they would see a middle aged man to a pond in the middle of the night. I always come here after I hurt Aria... This was where my dear Lydia and I met 32 years ago.


"Mom! I feel it, he's close. Oh man. Where is he?" I heard a bell like voice ring across the park. As I looked where the voice came from, my breathing haltered. I ran, as fast as I could towards her, she looked at me and smiled a dazzling smile. She ran towards me and we stopped by the pond. Everything was dead silent as we took each other in, even the pond made no movement. I studied her, noticing the shower of freckles across her nose. I noticed how her red hair shone when the sunlight hit it and her bright emerald eyes shining with mischief and adventure.

"You are so beautiful" i told her, as my hand went up to touch her cheek. She blushed and looked at the ground smiling. I loved her already, I don't know what I would do without her.

I smiled at her and grasped her hand pulling her lightly towards me. She blushed again and looked up at me. I slowly brought my lips to hers. I can't wait to spend every day of the rest of our lives together. As we pulled apart i stared into her eyes noticing a dark lust forming there. I felt a stirring in my pants and I knew my dick is swelling.

"My name is Lydia," she whispered.

"I'm Trevor," I whispered back.

*end of flashback*

I sighed. How wrong I was. I felt the tears spring to my eyes once more. I feel so weak. So weak.

"She looks so much like you, Lydia. So much. I wish she could leave so I would never remember, but if she leaves, I really think that my last reason to live will be gone. I love her, like a father should, but I abuse my power as a father. I wish I could go back and stop myself, I really do." I found myself starting to cry once more. "What else was I supposed to do?"



That fucking douche bag. All I want to do is rip off each of his balls and shove them so far down his throat he shits them out. Why does he have to do this to Aria? She seems so fragile, as she lays in my arms asleep. This feels so right, she feels so right. I want to look at all of her, but I want that to be her choice, and I don't want to take advantage of her.

I stiffened as she moved her leg making it brush up against my lower half. Just a simple touch of her leg has my dick twitching with need. I sighed, and brushed her hair away from her face. I leant down to kiss her nose as she moved in her sleep. Making me kiss her.

I panicked thinking she was awake then heard her soft snores echoing throughout the room. I smiled. I heard the front door open and close, signaling he was back. I cautiously slipped away from her and walked towards the door.

As I opened it I saw Trevor walking towards his room. I shut the door and strode towards him with a purpose.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked him, surprising myself at how quiet I was.

He turned looking confused, "what?"

I felt myself getting angrier, "What do you mean, what? You rape her over and over again to fill so gaping whole you have in your chest. That's wrong! Why didn't you find another person like you, someone who doesn't have a mate? Why did you rob Aria of her perfect innocence that she can never get back?"

"Because, she reminds me of her so much. It's so hard for me to remember she's not her. I stated to do it out of anger, i blamed her for being so useless. I can't get another persom to replace my Lydia because no one ever can. I can't.. Just can't do it." He started to sob, my anger filled eyes softened a little. I don't understand exactly what he is going through but I do know how hard it is to try to venture through the day with a smile while your mate isn't here.

I sighed, not knowing what to do. I heard the door open behind me. Aria was there holding the door open.not bothering to cover herself up. My heart stopped and i felt tightness in my jeans. Uncontrollably my eyes raked her body, inch for inch.

I noticed how her body has a couple of freckles across her neck. I noticed how her breast were the perfect size and perky. Her stomach is flat and her lovehandles are big enough for my large hands. Her legs were long and toned.

Stop Connor. Stop. Your mate is out there somewhere and you are checking out another girl. I heard shuffling and sniffling behind me then a door close. I stepped towards Aria until I was in front of her.

My hands gripped her love handles and brought her towards me and I slowly brought my lips towards hers. Her breathing faltered and her eyes shut as she stood on her toes trying to reach me. My dick rose higher as her hands raked through my hair. My body urged my hands to roam hers but kept my hands planted where they were.

I felt the urge to deepen the kiss, so I ran my tongue on her bottom lip asking for permission, which she quickly gave. We swirled our tongues together keeping the dominance neutral. With a surge of confidence at the sound of her moan, i gripped her thighs picking her up. Her legs immediately wrapped around my waist and her front landing right on my huge bump. I moaned and slammed her into the wall kissing feverishly like the world would end if I didn't get my fulfillment of her. I couldn't stop kissing her. What else was I supposed to do?


Dedicated to my beautiful girlfriend Aubrey for firing up my need to write more. I love you Babygirl, thank you for keeping me on my toes!

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