Chapter 5- Who is he truly?

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My heart is pounding louder and louder as I sang. This song made me want to dance and cry at the same time, because I'm in this predicament right now. I just want my Superman. No. I need my Superman.

I sighed as I finished making breakfast, and finished my song. I froze as i heard soft clapping behind me, was dad here already?

I felt hot breath on the back of my neck as the person stood behind me. Chills ran through my body as warm hands ran down arms to my hands, i felt the calluses on the palm of my hand and felt warmth sprend through my stomach.

"That was amazing." He whispered with his husky voice in my ear, blowing air on my ear and the side of my neck. I knew that voice, but couldn't think who he was because I was feeling light headed and leaned against him for support. I quickly took the eggs and bacon off the burner and turned around to greet the man behind me.

It was Connor. I looked up at him, confused. Why would just his breath on my skin throw me overboard? Why does his touch make me want to fall to my knees?

"Th-thanks. Uh-uhm hungry?" Damn't Aria, why do you insist on making yourself sound like an idiot?

"Definitely, it smells wonderful. As do you this lovely morning." Connor said with a genuine smile, unlike the smirk i had gotten used to from my father.

I realized i was staring into his beautiful eyes and quickly turned as my face turned scarlet. I reached up towards the cupboard and tried grabbing a plate but, he beat me to it. The only problem is that he grabbed two...

Father would kill me if he knew I ate his expensive food. I was only allowed to eat a half of bagel for breakfast, a cheese sandwich for lunch, and a meat salad for dinner. Father once told me that nobody like "fat girls" or "needy girls", so he made it where I am neither.

I grabbed the plates from Connor, and put everything on his plate while putting my plate on the counter. I handed him a fork and his plate and went to the fridge. Once my bagel and cream cheese was out on the counter i started to make my perfect bagel. Once I was finished I turned and Connor was staring at me intensely.

"W-what?" Stupid stutter.

"Why are you only eating half of a bagel? Aren't you hungry?" He asked. He looked at me with suspicion etching through his eyes.

"Not really, i had another bagel earlier. I love bagels." I smiled.

Connor walked slowly towards me, and I took this time to admire his body. His blue plaid pajama pants were low waisted and he was showing his 6 pack abs and perfect V by not having a shirt on. Not that I was complaining.

When he got to me, I looked at the floor, waiting for the judgment to come. I was waiting for him to call me a pig for eating a whole bagel earlier today.. Even if it wasn't true. instead, i felt two fingers go under my chin lifting my face up to look at his.

We both sat like that for no one knows how long, completely still, mixing our breath between us.

"Why?" He whispered. I fel my tears gather as I tried to will an answer.

"I can't get too big, my mate, wherever he is, will never want me if I am fat. I'm already ugly and have horrible baby fat that never goes away. He might just- just reject me.." I burst into tears then, nearly falling to the ground, but Connor picked me up and carried me onto the couch and rocked me back and forth.

Several minutes later, the tears had stopped and I was just laying in his arms. I heard him whisper, "Arianna, you are beautiful, and amazing. With perfect curves that any guy with his soul mate would want. You are smart, witty, and you make the sun shine. How could anyone think of you as fat, or chubby, or even ugly. Any guy, or girl, would be very lucky to have you."

I looked up at him, and asked one queation that has been bothering me. "If you don't mind my asking, where is your mate?"

He sighed, then said, "I don't know, I have been searching near and far for her, but my mark never gives me a hint." He looked down at me, with a sad smile and kissed my nose.

I felt a weird tingle shoot through my nose but brushed it off as my imagination. I heard keys in the door and quickly got up and ran to the kitchen.

"Arianna!" I heard my father yell. "Where are you Ari- oh, good you are in here. Come, I need to speak to you in my bedroom for a couple of minutes. I felt my emotionless mask take over my face as I nodded. I knew what was to come and willed Connor to help... But never strayed a look towards him.

When we got to my father's bedroom, he shut the door. Turning towards me with an evil smirk. He ran towards me then attacked my lips, i kissed him back while trying not to puke with disgust. His grimy hands started to feel up shirt to touch my breasts and as he touched them i fake moaned. Otherwise I would have bruises along my body.

When he stripped off all my clothing he stopped and spanked me. I couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"Shut your fucking mouth, you slut. Enjoy this because you will be here with me forever." I whimpered at his words thinking of at least 30 more years with him.

While I had my attention elsewhere, my father had already stripped himself and plunged his small thin cock into me and I once again whimpered. Willing for anybody to help me...but no one ever does.

"What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On?" I heard a voice ring out from the doorway. My father stopped and stared at Connor. I shook with relief.

"Oh, did you want her first, well here you go." My father said and walked in his birthday suit out of the door leaving me bare on his bed feeling gross and Connor staring at me with confusion.

"Are.... Wait.. Wasn't.... What were you guys doing?" He asked.

I looked down and whispered "he fucks me every night to fill his gaping hole in his heart from when my mother died."

"Ari..." he ran towards me and wrapped me into his arms. He picked me up and carried me to m- his bedroom. He set me under the covers and layed beside me, silently consoling me.

Now the biggest question in my head is, who is he truly?


Sorry for the long delay, my internet wasn't acting right, plus my computer broke so I couldn't just switch from my phone to my computer. It has been a tough couple of weeks. Tell what you think though!

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