Humans are monsters, too.

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"I want to go work with Alphys. She has such a cool lab that I can experiment in." Bolt says. Bolt isn't a people person, so working with Alphys would be a dream come true to him.

"Mebbe later." I say. I'm the most responsible out of us four, so I have to be the adult about big decisions like where Bolt works to earn a living, real or not.

"Beammy!!! Shadow sing songs from the kitchen. " I need you and Boltoid to help me with something!!!"

We arrive, and she immediately grabs us by our hair and brings us to Papyrus's room, where we keep Flame. Flame is up, but not alert as he usually is. She turns and looks at us.

"We got to get out of here." she says "this isn't where we belong." I shake my head, but Bolt agrees.

"Lets explore for a few more weeks, give us time, see what we can." I say. Unlike things involving single members of the team, group efforts are voted on. Other than that, usually I'm called upon to deal with such matters.

With my commentary, Shadow seems indecisive, the though of getting home and the thought of exploring weighing equal on her brain.

Bolt is bent on getting away. He wants to get home to his machine, to see if it worked.

"Alright." I say. "All in favor of finding a way home right now raise your hand." Bolt slowly raises his hand. "All in favor of exploring for a few more days or weeks before coming to a decision, raise your hand." My hand shoots straight up, Shadow waits a few seconds, and Flame groans "raised".

That settles it, we stay.

Sans is lazily laying on the couch, staring at the wall. When he notices me, he jumps up. But when he sees Shadow and Bolt, he slumps back down again. "Hey" he says to Shadow  "take that tem back."

She reluctantly abides, dragging Bolt along with her to check with  Alphys to see if it's okay with her if he hangs out there. "You coming?" she asks.

-No- I say -Sans and Papyrus are my peeps. They are my favorite part of the whole game. You like the tems and greater and lesser dog, and Bolt likes Alphys and Undyne, but Paps and Sans are my favs.- in other words, I'm not going. She shrugs and heads out the door, Bolt and tem in tow.

"So" Sans says lazily from the couch. "What are you again?"

Slowly, I turn around to face him. "Human" I say. He shakes his head. "I really am, I'm just different from all the rest of the humans. Different in a dangerous way..."

He narrows his eyes. Am I a threat to him or Papyrus? He thinks I maybe, he thinks that's a threat. I shake my head " No. " I say "Dangerous to me. If any other humans found out I could do what I can, they'd either lock me up and experiment on me, or kill me because they don't want society to loose their heads and go insane." I look at my shoes. "I'm too afraid to kill. Killing is bad. I would never kill a monster or a human. Shadow calls me a wimp  because I cry when shoot 'em up games get into dialogue and the characters laugh at each other for dying. Mom won't let me watch Walking  Dead because I freak out when the zombies come at them." I look back up at Sans. "Here I feel normal, here all four of us fit right in! I'm the one doing the mind reading and messaging back and forth. Shadow can walk through walls and Bolt can see into the future. Flame can see, hear, and smell things miles away, but his is all messed up, so he can only use his on special occasions."

Sans's expression softens. "It's  okay, Beam." he says. "Your alright here." I walk over to the couch and lay down beside him, putting my head in his lap. We sit together for a while before I speak again "Sometimes a kid will notice me do something with my mind. I can sometimes move things with my mind, but I never remember to until it's already done. The kid will be all, 'what are you, some kind of... monster?' and I'll say no, but I think that may be a lie." I take a deep breath. " Humans use the word monster to describe a freak of society, but I think that isn't right. Here, being a monster is normal. Everyone's a monster. The true freaks are humans. That's where the true evil happens. Humans are monsters, too."

"Don't make your brain hurt, kid." he says.

"Can monsters be human?" I ask " If so, that seems like a bad idea. Monsters are so much cooler than humans. They always fight about skin color or religion or gender, even though they are all the same. But with monsters, being different is just the same as the next guy. If your different, your equal. This is so much better than my birthplace.

Sans casually puts his hand in my hair. He seems to be pondering over my thoughts said aloud. I snuggle closer to him. Sans is like a peace machine. I just can't be upset for long in his presence.

Papyrus enters with a BANG!!!

"Hey, Sans, I'm-" he freezes. I freeze. Sans slumps over and freezes. "Papyrus!!" I manage to say. "Human!!" he says "Are you feeling okay? You look a little down!" Thank God  Papyrus  is so ignorant sometimes. "yeah" I say.

"She's fine." Sans says. "hey, Papyrus, what are the PASTA-BILITIES for dinner?"

Papyrus face palms. "Noooooooooooooooo...." he says quietly.

I laugh. Sans smiles, and Shadow runs through the solid door, not even bothering to open it. Usually she would just break it down, but she does that for fun. This must be a big emergency if she doesn't have time to vandalize something. Or commit arson.

Beam! Sans! Papyrus! Bolt and I where ambushed on the way to Alphys's! It's..." she gets a terrified look on her face. "It's Chara! And Flowey! They kidnapped Bolt! My little brother!"

Sans was up and off the couch before I could blink, Papyrus hot on his heels. There was a small moment where we all piled out the door and chased Shadow out of town and down the road she was following to get to were her and Bolt where ambushed, and now I'm stomping through hard snow, chasing the figures of the skeleton brothers...

"Ah, the two Skeleton brothers and the two twin brats. I was wondering when you would show up..."

"Chara. Flowey." Sans growls.

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