Chapter 2

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Dylan and I were now walking to his work. He said he wasn't going to tell me where he works until we get there, but we have been walking for 20 minutes.

"Dylan my feet hurt and I'm cold." I whined

"You shouldn't have worn, short shorts then." I gave him a glare.

"I am pretty sure, that is the reason why you don't want me to wear short shorts." I slight pushed him, and said with a sarcastic tone.

"Whatever." I saw him start blushing and turned away from me.

We walked for another 10 minutes and, we came across this one building, that was in a not pleasing area, and the building was kinda hidden.

"Is this it?" He nodded. "So tell me what do you do." I demanded.

"I guard special plants." I gave him a straight face. "That is it?" He nodded then laughed.

"What is that too boring for you." He teased.

"Wait, a second." He stood there and waited.

"You guard pot." He just kept on walking.

"Ding ding ding!!" He yelled while jumping into the air.

We walked in the building and he showed me around. "Pretty boring." I giggled.

"What do you expect me to be a porn star?" I nodded.

"I would prefer you to be." He looked at me a chuckled.

"In your dreams." Then continue to walk.

"Who is she?" A mysterious guy asked Dylan.

"She is a friend. Be nice Zane." Zane? Like One Direction Zane? Kidding.

"You know how I feel about people knowing where we work. Plus you just met the girl." Zane added.

"Doesn't matter, I can trust her plus, she's nice she just moved here and something already happened." Dylan back talked.

"You promise not to tell ANYBODY! Got me." Zane said seriously, while pointing at me.

"I will not tell anybody." I remarked. He nodded.

"Good." Then he studied me. "I'll trust you."

"Let's go, i'll show you my house it's not to far from here." That point I got nervous, but I went along with it.

"Does that mean i have to walk more." I groaned.

"Yes you little princess."


A little bit later we came around this small house. Again not impressed. "Here it is." It could be worse tho.

"Well, it is, um small." He then looked at me and chuckled.

"What do you expect, I'm the only one living here." I sighed.

"Sorry I'm used to my town." He nodded. "Yeah, I bet you were one of the richer kids."

"How can you tell?!?" I sarcastically said.

"Well your clothes are like fancy and they look expensive, and you're a nice looking girl who is like the richer girls and you told me."

"I wasn't expecting an answer but ok." We stood there for a bit.

"Let's go back to Norma see if she needs any help." He grinned.


We walked for another hour and we arrived. I saw Norma and Dylan's brother sitting on the front porch. I waved. They waved back, well Norma did. Norman just stared me down.

"Dylan is he ok?" I whispered to him as we were walking into the house.

"Yeah, he has his times, just don't be alone with him, he will have black outs."

"Black outs?" I questioned. "Yes you heard me black outs." He sassed. I left it there.

I walked into the kitchen with Dylan and he was putting some things away and i was just standing there watching him. He was definitely toned, and very very good looking.

"Claire, I know your looking for a job, and I was wondering if you would like to work here at the motel." Norma walked up to me and asked. I paused.

"Norma she would love to work at the motel." Dylan answered for me. "Great, does tomorrow sound like a good time?" I nodded.

I was looking for a more higher level job but this will work out fine. Will it? Do they even get business?

*next day*

Finally a customer. "Hello, I'm Claire and I will be assisting you today, would you like to rent a room?" They nodded.

"Ok, here is your room key and enjoy." Easy like 1 2 3. I tried to make myself look like a business lady so I wore a pencil skirt with a crop top gray shirt with my hair in a messy bun. Even tho i doubt anyone will care.

I stood leaning on the desk while texting my dad saying I found a new job. He was proud but he didn't seem to care much, all he wanted to know is if I was ok.

"Hello, Claire." Right there I knew who it was.

"Hey Emma, nice to see you here." She smiled. "Same with you."

We stood there talking and then looked at the door as it opened. "Dylan." I smiled.

"Hey, can you rent like 3 rooms out for me thanks." I tried to ask him why but he ran out.

"I wonder what he is up to." Emma laughed.

"Who knows. It's Dylan it could be anything

"You seem to know quite a bit about him considering you've only been here for a few days."

"He's the first person to put him out there to me. So i guess you can say that's why."

He then came back in there. "Can I have those keys?"

"I need to know why these people are staying here." He just stood there.

"I'll tell you can you please give me the keys." I nodded.

"No." He then looked at me.

I had the keys in my hand. "Tell me why."

He then got closer. "Just give me the key and nothing with happen." He got even more closer.

"Oh what will you do?" He looked at me up and down. Then he took his hand a rubbed it down my side. I instantly felt chills.

"You want the keys." I teased.

"Yes." Then. I pulled his collar and kissed him. He then wouldn't let go. I pulled away.

"Here are the keys for room 2,3,4."

He looked at me in shock then left. "Woah, that got steamy real fast." Emma announced.

I giggled. "I liked it."

"He likes you." I then gave her a straight face.

"Doubt that." She then smacked my arm.

"You know he likes you and I know he likes you, so you should go for it."

I sighed "What if he is just going to fuck the crap out of me, which I wouldn't mind, then he would just leave." I then sat down. "He won't he is a sweet guy." I nodded then smiled. "Fine."

"I know what you can do. He has his friends outside and they are hanging out. Do something to Dylan,so his friends will be all over you then you'll see if Dylan really like you."

"I can try it." I stood up and sighed. "Trust me you'll get there attention by just standing there." I giggled. "Your too funny." Then she pulled a straight face.

"I'm serious."
Word count: 1065

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