Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

(Jake's POV)

I went in the village trying to stay calm, Ellie would want me to stay calm. Trying not to turn, especially on a full moon took a lot of my strength up, one of the reasons why I didn't tare Harry limb from limb. I looked around the village, just one big reminder of what I've lost. I've lost Lucca: my only son, I've lost Ellie: the love of my life and I have a feeling I'm about to lose control. I could feel my skin burn as the heat became overwhelming, but that wasn't that the painful part, it was the breaking of the bones that was the consuming agony of the transition. I fell to the floor, my thoughts and memories of Ellie taking my mind away from the pain.


We had just gotten back from a dinner party with Laura, Liam, myself, Ellie, and a couple Laura knew called Joanne and Keith. It was an awkward dinner as Joanne and Keith were constantly arguing and Laura and Liam were in the kitchen leaving us alone with them. I took her into another room to get away from the antics but after I closed the door to have some privacy, I saw that Ellie looked nervous to tell me something.

"El are you okay?" I asked noticing that she was looking different.

"Yeah ... um ... I think you sit down for what I'm about to tell you" She said sounding anxious and cautious. I sat on the nearest sofa trying to prepare myself for anything that she was going to tell me.

"What's going on?" I asked straight as she sat on the sofa next to me facing me as if she was watching my every move. It took her a moment to say what she had to but when those five words came out of her mouth, I knew this would change us.

"It's funny actually ... I'm pregnant" She said

"You're? .... You're pregnant?" I asked over the moon standing up. She followed my lead by standing up however she looked like she was awaiting a different reaction from me.

"Is that Okay?" She asked not knowing where she stood. I took her in my arms tightly, kissing the top of her head.

"We're having a kid. Of course that's okay." I said letting go of her, she kissed me taking in the moment as I picked her up and twirled her around.

*Flashback Over*

I kept the happiest of our memories in mind in order to prevent the transition as much as possible but when my arms jolted back breaking and changing shape, I knew it was going to be impossible to stop soon. Just thinking of the memories of the past were not helping at all, I needed to stop thinking about anything, I needed to gain control. I screamed out in the infliction that was my leg that began to break and change, bringing me down to one knee. But just as my other leg copied the same action, the silence from around me was disturbed by a woman shouting.

"Jake?" A familiar heart-warming voice shouted gaining my attention. I roared knowing that Ellie's voice was just in my mind, trying to trick me to fully transition.

"Jake?" Ellie's voice shouted again as if she was searching for me, it was the sound of desperation in her voice that made me look up. I saw her figure at the end of the street turn the corner to see me on the floor, she looked as if she had been constantly running to find something. I felt my heart concave as she ran up to me as fast as she could in desperation.

"Jake! Oh my god." she said rushing to her knees. Is this my mind playing tricks on me? Is she really alive? How is she here right now? Her body heat covered my back and she pulled my body towards hers, her voice, her presence and her touch calming me down instantly.

"How are you here?" I asked in between breaths as I slowly transitioned back into my original self. My back was touching her front making it difficult to see her.

"I'll explain later, Jake you need to cool down before you turn" She said trying to bring me back to reality. I began cracking my bones again to bring myself back to becoming a human again. I turned around to face her, seeing her face was the best thing of today. Taking the pain second by second as her presence calming me down, I lent my forehead on hers making her close her eyes a she took in the moment between us as we waited for me to come back. Once I had fully become myself again, I pushed my lips onto hers not fully believing it was her in the back of head. But by her response, I knew she was back. How is this happening? How is she here? I placed a hand flat on her cheek just admiring her.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you." I commented as she put her hands on both of my cheeks making me drop mine from hers as we heard shouting from the distance.

"Ellie we know you're here, we can sense you!" A female voice called out. Ellie kissed me briefly before she spoke up about what that yelling was about.

"We need to run." She said standing up. I also stood up reacting to her urgency of how her body language was reacting.

"What's going on?" I asked referring to the yelling.

"Ellie!" The woman yelled again, the voice getting louder meaning they were close.

"Run." She said taking my hand. I nodded as we ran away to get away from the mystery woman scaring my wife.

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