Chapter 20:

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Chapter 20:

(Jake's POV)

"So it's all agreed, the titan pack omega's from the north-east are allowed on the territory as long as they announce themselves." I stated standing up finally finished with the meeting. I checked my phone seeing all the messages and missed calls I had from random people. As I read through the messages briefly, Anna was calling me as I walked out of the building. I decided on ignoring the call not in the mood to talk to Anna about all her antics and her memorial stuff about Ellie.

"Dude are you okay?" Johnson asked noticing my sudden change in attitude.

"I'm alright, just a little tired." I murmured looking around. I began to walk forward deeper into the crowd as I got caught up in my thoughts, leaving the others behind confused as to where I was going. It was strange to think that the anniversary of Ellie's death is tomorrow. There was so much I wanted to say to her, so much I wanted to do, but my thoughts were interrupted when some barged into me.

"Hey watch where you're going would ya?" A by-passer said as they carried on walking. I ignored them and carried on walking towards darker part of the village. It was where most of the dark magic witches would lay around and hang out. It used to be alright to walk down here but since Ellie's death, they are like our backup army. They are good for a fight as an ally but not good to fight against. They kept their distance from everyone when Ellie's power was passed onto Lucca.

It's lucky that he hasn't been able to access his powers yet, he's not been ready to let them in and since I have no idea about how to help him, it'll be good if he gets his magic a little later on. Ellie's parents are trying to get him to grow into it but they're not the ones who are going to have to deal with it. If Ellie were here to help him, I would be a little more supportive of him getting his magic because she would be able to support him, but she isn't here.

I put my phone back in my pocket not wanting to deal with anything right now, I need a break. Looking around at the witches, they all seemed to accept my presence in their quarter. Some nodded in my direction and some smiled. It was still strange that they acted this way. When Ellie died, I was originally in charge of both the witches and the wolves for some reason, that's how they wanted it, that was until some witches ,who are now banished by Anna for casting sacrificial spells, wanted a witch to lead the witches. It was only fair, and considering that I was still grieving I was happily okay with standing down. The witches still accept me however, but I think that's because of Lucca.

The way I was headed without even knowing it was towards the cemetery, I guess my feet wanted me to see her grave.

"Hey let me go!" A teenage boy shouted gaining my attention. He was surrounded by these male witches who were trying to cast spells on him. I could smell that the teenager was a wolf and I wouldn't let my kind be hurt like this.

"Hey!" I shouted charging towards them gaining the witches attention. They were teenage male witches who were ganging on the wolf.

"Leave him alone." I said pushing the wolf back away from them giving him a chance to run, but he didn't get the hint.

"What are you going to do? Stop us?" One of the boys said cockily. Oh he thinks he's big and clever? Let's see about that.

"If that's what you want." I said prepping myself knowing that magic would be their defence.

"Let's see what you've got old timer." They said finding it funny thinking they had the advantage. The wolf behind me ran away finally leaving me to do what I do best, win.

"That's Alpha to you." I said revealing my teeth and eyes to them. One of the boys ran away as the other's started to use their magic on me, trying to make my core temperature colder, a weakness to a hot blooded animal like a wolf. Clever, I'd give them that. My body began shivering bring me to my knees as an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion overcame me. I wouldn't let myself, I attempted to stand up and fight but my feet brought me right back down to my knees again.

"But you see, even an Alpha doesn't stop you from weak." The main boy said finding my pain amusing. I looked down trying to gain all my strength.

"That's where you're wrong, an Alpha is only weak without his pack." A familiar heart breaking voice said filling my ears like music to them. I looked up and saw Ellie, as mesmerizing as ever making the boys unconscious with her magic. I suddenly felt my energy regain its form in my body, the heat pushing itself around my veins as I knelt before my queen. I knelt painfully still, silent as I didn't know what to say. How was she back? How did she ...? I don't understand. Am I just imagining this? I'm guessing that this was a trick that one of the boys had put on me to torture me.

I watched as she got down on her knees, placing her hands flat on both of my cheeks. I took a hold of her wrist, my hand wrapping around it to make sure she was real and not a mirage. I moved my hands so they tucked into her hair, bringing her forehead to touch mine. I slowly pressed my lips onto hers making sure the moment was real, but when he lips touched mine bringing back all the memories, I knew she was back. I tarred away from the kiss as it intensified, gazing into her eyes.

She was back. My wife, the mother of my child, my queen. She was back.

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