Chapter 17:

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Chapter 17:

(Ellie's POV)

Waking up in the middle of the woods, naked and cold, clueless as to how I got from Harry's mansion to the woods in second's bewildered me. I saw the full moon appear through the trees, trying to make me transition. I covered my breasts with my hand and my other covering my private area, trying to look around feeling self conscious and defenceless.

"You are awake. Finally," A male voice spoke up, coming from around a tree making his presence known. He threw a blanket to my direction and turned away. I stood up and quickly wrapped the blanket around my body.

"How am I here?" I asked as he turned around.

"A quick spell." He replied. I tried to take a step closer towards him but for some reason, it was if an invisible wall was blocking me like the wall from Harry's mansion, preventing me from leaving. I looked down and saw the salts he was using to keep me here, stuck in this circle until he says otherwise.

"Why am I here?" I asked wondering what the hell was going on, my tone not as welcoming and nice as he wanted.

"You've been dead for four years. You are famous for being one of the most powerful witches in time. I needed you back to the living." He explained. I've been dead for 4 years? That long? It felt as if it were moments ago that I was casting the spell on Ophelia. Hold up ... why did he need me to come back?

"Well I'm not just a witch." I commented looking up at the moon, restraining myself to prevent the transition.

"Yes I know. You are part werewolf too. I find it frankly quite amazing how you managed to bring the two factions together. To generate that much power in such a small community. Quite amazing." he spoke, muttering 'quite amazing' at the end to himself. This witch was crazy, what does he want from me?

"Yeah amazing. Still it doesn't prevent the fact of my inevitable transition that's coming up. So I'm going to ask again and I'm going to need a straight answer: Why am I here?" I asked by-passing all the chit-chat and getting straight on with the matter at hand.

"Isn't someone eager for information?" He teased as I felt my muscles and bones pull my left arm back, dislocating it from my shoulder. I screamed out in pain, collapsing to the floor on my knees as I shouted for answers whilst I still had the time.

"Why am I here?" I screeched in agony as I felt the blood rush around my body. He knelt to the circle where I was centimetres away looking at me in the eyes.

"I need you to teach me. Teach me the ways of leading the witches. They have put me in charge but I lack a certain edge of royal blood so you need to teach me the ways to make me ... better." He said opening up. He sounded weak, young even, obviously naive. Why would the witches put him in charge? If anyone should have been in charge it would be Laura or Anna, what happened to them?

"What is in it for me?" I asked knowing that there would be some sort of terms and conditions to this, bringing me back to life wouldn't be free from a stranger.

"Life?" He asked a little confused.

"No there's always a catch" I stated not believing his confusion.

"At least you're smart, it tells me you will teach me well." He said standing up. The pain had travelled heating my body up to extreme levels, letting me know that I would have no control.

"What's the catch?" I asked getting annoyed with these little comments.

"Thirty days of teaching me everything you know. In these thirty days, I will make sure you do not transform into a werewolf and I will also set you free to live the life you were meant to live before your death. Free to be with your family. You will be free." He explained putting him hands behind his back. I had to say the deal was good and tempting and as much as I would like to cut his throat open for bringing me back, I knew that he was young and needed a leader before he could lead others.

He turned to a candle and became chiming some words, rhyming a spell onto a candle. Every word he spoke, the pain throughout my body became a little more bearable and easier to cope with. He had cast the spell to make it so the blood in my veins wouldn't change me.

"There. No transforming." He said putting the candle in a container, still allowing it to be lit even though a normal flame would have burnt out. I slowly stood up feeling a little on tense not knowing what to do.

"So what do you want to know?" I asked, him going somewhere at the edge of the room, bringing back some clothing of some sort. He threw them into the circle as well as a water bottle. I managed to keep a hold of the blanket that was covering me, still catching the water bottle but allowing the clothes to fall on the floor.

"Everything. But first you should change, we're going to be here a while. I'll give you some privacy, I'll be back in five minutes to begin." He said. I watched him turn around and leave the room, closing the door behind him.

I dropped the blanket and quickly but the cheap blue jeans on with a plain long sleeved navy top on with the basic bra and pants, I also saw he had thrown in some socks which I put on. Once I had pushed my sleeves up and sorted myself out, I grabbed the water and jugged it down, taking in every last drop feeling dehydrated and overheated. Once I finished the bottle, I threw it across the room and looked around. So I guess I'm alive again ...

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