Chapter 7:

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Chapter 7:

(Jake's POV)

"We can't go home, Lucca's there and I don't want to risk him getting hurt." She said as she pulled me in the opposite direction of the house. We were being chased by some male witches who I had never seen before so knowing that they wanted to cause Ellie harm reminded me of a while back when Ellie was pregnant.


"I still think it looks like a peanut" I commented making laugh, sliding her hand into mine.

"It's more like a peach or a small melon" she spoke as we admired the picture of the Somogram. We were walking home from one of the prenatal scan things, Ellie being 5 months pregnant at this point when some vampires decided to cause trouble. 

"Oh great." she murmured making a grin appear on her lips. She held tight of her stomach as if it was second nature to her as I took a step ahead to see what they wanted.#

"Wrong territory boys." I stated as the skinny came forward.

"Do we look like we care?" He said sounding like a spoilt teenager with attitude.

"Aren't you that Ellie and Jake? The witch and the wolf they all talk about?" Another one came forward as if he saw a celebrity in his mists which was a little confusing.

"Well this is weird." Ellie said putting her hands on her hips as she came forward a little. 

"Yeah it is and woah she's pregnant dude." A completely different vampire stated coming forward. I rolled my eyes and took a glance at Ellie who was finding their stupidity funny. 

"Why are you here?" I asked getting straight to the point not wanting to dilly-dallying around the subject, turning around to face them.

"I don't think it's a good idea anymore Gordon since it's them." The guy who recognised us spoke up feeling uncomfortable with his plan, becoming a little more sensible minded than the others.

"Shut up seb! We're here because we're hungry." The main guy spoke revealing his monster of a face. Suddenly out of nowhere, the Gordon guy ran vampire speed behind me to ellie, one arm around her neck and his teeth out hovering over her neck. Ellie quickly realised what he was doing when the other's attempted to come at me to attack me. 

I put the guys who attacked me in a position against each other, so everytime they would try to attack me, they would be attacking each other. But as I made sure they fell, this  Gordon guy was still holding Ellie. I turned cautiously keeping my distance but still getting myself ready to fight if I had to.

"So I underestimated you,  I'm impressed.  I'm pissed off too but I'm mostly surprised."  He said getting a pocket knife out of his jacket, pressing it against her neck.

"Don't worry about me, you can take him" Ellie stated. What was she saying?

"She's brave. I like that in a woman"  He commented smelling her.

"Ew" she muttered looking in a different direction as I spoke.

"You're not going to kill her" I stated gradually taking small steps towards them both, preparing myself to pounce at any moment.

"You know you're in the wrong territory and considering your friends knew better, you should have listened to them." I spoke. Out of the blue with no one expecting it, Ellie used her magic to raise him away from us, giving us enough time to run away. I held her hand interlocking our fingers so we could get away together faster, turning corners and going down empty streets to get away. We could hear him calling out to us as we stopped between a gap of houses. We were both catching our breaths finding the situation funny as we were grinning towards each other.

"I know you two are close. I can smell you." he shouted. I tried my best to try and stay quiet but I could see that Ellie wasn't even attempting. She then placed her hand on my cheek, turningy head to her direction. 

"I know what we can do" She stated.

"You're not going out there" I said placing my hand over hers on my face bringing down just so I could hold it. She looked down at our hands and then all of a sudden stood up and began chanting, walking out of the gap. I ran out after her and saw how she pulled the vampires heart out of his system, killing him instantly. She turned to me and hugged me tight, being careful of the bump as I held her tight.

"It's strange that situations like that aren't normal anymore." She muttered against my chest.

*Flashback over *

"Okay, are you ready to fight?"  I asked creating a grin appear on her lips. She pulled me into, kissing me quickly and with a little love lingering.

"Let's go" she said letting me go.

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