Chapter 29:

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Chapter 29:

(Harry's POV)

I had decided, since I would be here for a long time, to walk around. Travel the depths of this world, to see if it's the same. Walking along in my travels, I hadn't realised that my feet were taking me to the hill. Mine and Ellie's spot. It was hard to let her go and let her live with Jake but I knew that he makes her happy. I don't want to be the person who takes her away from that, even though I love her. When I reached the top of the hill, I saw Ophelia standing there as if she had been waiting there for a while. I rolled my eyes not in the mood for a conversation and especially with her.  I contemplated turning around and heading back down the hill but a part of me, now that I knew I was going to be alone, was intrigued by what she would possibly want to talk about. 

"Ophelia." I spoke making her turn around a little too dramatically. 

"Well I must say you do take your time now you know you are going to be here for forever." She said raising her dress so she could walk towards me without tripping up.

"And what can I do for you?" I asked turning around to face the open village. It wasn't the same view I was used to, the village looked deathly and disregarded for. 

"I understand that you have been in contact with Ellie." She stated, standing next to me also following my lead by looking out at the view. I knew she would figure out that Ellie had come to see me at some point, I'm just surprised that it wasn't earlier.

"Is it a problem for you?" I queried finding her bluntness amusing.

"Oh not me, but it will be for you." She warned. 

"Is that a threat?" I asked

"More like a warning. But not the warning you expect." She said turning her head towards me. I didn't bother to move, I didn't want to give her the satisfaction.

"What would that be?" I questioned.

"If Ellie continue's to come into this realm or continue to dabble with the magic to try and bring you back, this world will suck her in and trap her forever." She explained not giving me all the details I needed to hear. I can't let Ellie be here. I know I told her to let me go but I know that she won't give up so easy.

"How do you think I can stop her?" I asked not understanding how I can help. Ophelia must know by now that Ellie doesn't listen or take order from anyone. 

"You won't be able too oh no, I've already have been witness to seeing you fail like that before. No, I plan to remove everyone's memory of your romance, including yours." She said. I turned my head in shock. She wants to remove me and Ellie from existence? 

"This way she won't try and bring you back. All anyone will think was that you were a friend that died, you and Ellie were never a thing and you were poisoned to death by witches blood." She carried on. As I thought about it, It was a kind favour Ophelia was offering. She didn't want Ellie here for some reason which doesn't really matter, as long as Ellie is on the living side she has more power. But that would mean that she would loose all of her memories of us. Everyone would. Even if I come back? 

"What happens when I get back to the living realm? Would everyone have forgotten about me?" I asked. That means the boys would remember me as a friend they lost, the vampires would get a new leader and I would be replaced.

"This is the catch. They will remember you, but the catch is they have to see you to remember you. It's a curse, there has to be something to it to make it bad." She answered. I paced around thinking about the option in my head. 

"Will I forget? I mean Does that mean when they get cursed I will be too?" I spoke thinking about the different scenarios in my head. But nothing could go against what she was offering. This would give everyone the second chance they deserve without me. It gives Ellie a chance to be happy.

"Yes you will. Until you get pulled back to the living, then you will have your memory restored." She explained. I had to do this. It's not like I can take it back if we go through with it, I won't be able to remember to take it back. It'll be easier for me too if I don't remember 

"Okay then you need to do it." I stated turning and stopping in front of her.

"Really? No more questions?" She asked surprised to my willingness to the memory loss. 

"No because if I ask any more questions i'll talk myself out of it and it's what's best for everyone. Including Ellie." I said trying to feel a little more confident with my decision. It's because I'm not only making this decision for myself, I'm making it for everyone else who knows me. I just want them to be happy and with me still in the picture but not actually there, I don't want it to effect their lives. 

"Okay but there is no going back." She said preparing herself, taking a bag from inside her cloak. What else did she have in there? Because the bag was the size of my hand and I have big hands. She took out a stone and put the bag back in her cloak. Throwing it up in the air, she used her witchy spells and power to keep it levitating in the air. 

"mutare tempora mutare praeterita mutare praesentibus futura mutare. Harry et Ellie Tollere et tempore et spatio, animi gratia auferret. Remove memoria tenetur mutare et velum in petram" She chanted, making the stone shine brighter, revealing the sunlight from the other portal and the veil was lifted for a short time. The bright light then began to fade along with veil and the rock exploded creating a flow of dust and flakes spread across the land. It was weird to watch out of nowhere. I turned to Ophelia wondering why I was here. 

"That was weird." I commented as she turned to face me.

"How do you feel?" She asked looking deep into my eyes creeping me out a little.

"Fine. Why?" I spoke taking a step away from her, wanting to keep my distance.

"Do you know who Ellie is?" She asked randomly bringing up a name reminding me of this chick I met at a party god knows how long ago. 

"No why should I?" I asked making her tension relax a little. Ophelia's definitely weird, no wonder I never liked her. 

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