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"No Control" Set It Off
It's like watching a rose just wither away When beauty crumbles and decays It's like having a voice, with no chance to speak It's something that you hold, and hold to keep
Fall to my knees, God I beg you please Show me just a little mercy Help me, help me! I'm doing all I can Pretend I'm unaffected, but their pain became my burden
Swear this isn't what I wanted God, this house is haunted The way that this could be, if things would remedy And after all of this we've been through I wish that we could switch shoes This life ain't fair for us all
My ears resound, with the sound of broken dreams I had where you would breathe, exist eternally Tell them to leave You're coming home with me Remove that damn IV I wish my words could cure illness
It's like running a race with no legs or Swimming a lap with no arms The door may have slammed in my face but The windows will heal my scars
Swear this isn't what I wanted God, this house is haunted The way that this could be, if things would remedy And after all of this we've been through I wish that we could switch shoes This life ain't fair for us all
My walls are built, and on display I drown in guilt, due to dismay Maybe someday I can see how this has shaped me Bite my tongue, with swelling lungs I gasp for air and let this go
Swear this isn't what I wanted God, this house is haunted The way that this could be, if things would remedy And after all this shit we've been through I wish that we could switch shoes Well this life ain't fair for us all
I was listening to some music and happened to come across the vent song that word for word describes something I've been meaning to say.
I owe a huge apology to one of my best friends. oh_schist_2003, I'm not sure if you still do Wattpad, but I'm going to say this anyways. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. You deserve so much better than me. I'm terrible at speeches, but I'm going to try my best to say this. I've been a horrible, horrible person to you. You're such an amazing person, and please never stop Being yourself. You're such a unique and amazing person, I'm so lucky to even know you. Im so sorry for bothering you. I'm really sorry. I don't care if you don't like me like I like you. I just want my best friend to remain my best friend........