He's too fab for all of you

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Well after what

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Well after what.... 3 years of owning my leopard gecko, Shadow, I've finally figured out his personality 

(Don't frickin judge me, I had nothing to compare a gecko's personality to. He's my first reptile hah)

He's basically just a big ball of sass and thinks he's too good for everyone

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He's basically just a big ball of sass and thinks he's too good for everyone. Kinda just "puts up with the world".

But he can get really overexcited at times, especially when he gets hungry or when I've been feeding him mealworms for awhile and switch back to crickets (he LOVES chasing them) Never been the friendliest but never been unfriendly. Again he just kinda puts up with everything lmao 

But he's a cutie, and I love him no matter if me loves me or not. He's the first pet I've ever truly owned as "mine" alone and honestly I just couldn't have asked for a better lizard! 

 He's the first pet I've ever truly owned as "mine" alone and honestly I just couldn't have asked for a better lizard! 

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On another note, I'm trying very hard to convince my parents to let me get another reptile. Currently pushing for a blue tongue Skink or ball python! That sounds kinda spoiled saying I'm begging for one and pushing. But I've kept Shadow alive and healthy for three years so far and he's great, but I'd love Moreof a challenge to go along with him. I'd get another leopard gecko but I'd have to get a female and my parents don't want baby leopard geckos. So hey, maybe around Christmas or my birthday (January) I'll have some news of a new member to the reptile family! 

I'm also going to an expo this month and next month so I'll take some pictures for all of ya! Also find out more about possible breeders and such for the stuff I'm interested in! 

(If I get a ball python I'll probs get a piebald. Hopefully looking kinda like my sona! Yknow. Thoko. Can't remember if I posted her ref here, so here y'all go. Idc if it's a green reptile, no matter what I'm naming it Matcha. I love everything matcha and it's the cutest name ever)

 I love everything matcha and it's the cutest name ever)

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Maybe You Should Leave Now (Fifth Art Book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora