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Some art for A Silver Lining chapter 11

Hello everyone! I've got some news

I've got a new fish :0

This is Quibli, the male veiltail betta, who lives in my 10g tank c:

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This is Quibli, the male veiltail betta, who lives in my 10g tank c:

He was an impulse buy from my local fish store. He lived in a tiny bowl, being marketed as able to live in it his whole life (male bettas need atleast 10g while females need 15g both with a heater and filter to thrive. Don't argue with me on this, there is scientific evidence that shows these tank sizes are best minimums)

I'm starting to regret buying him though. Fish are incredibly hard to keep healthy. 30% weekly water changes, water testing,  close inspection for sickness every day, scrubbing algae off walls, adding CO2 for the plants, not to mention all the extra stress and worrying that I'm doing something wrong.

When I bought him, I thought it would just be a little extra pet to go along with the bird or reptile I decided to get, but my mom thought otherwise. She thought this was going to be my decision for my "final pet". 

My dad is on my side for another 30g for some pygmy or panda corydora catfish, harlequin rasboras, and marbled hatchetfish, as I'm pretty sure he didn't think this was my final pet either when he allowed me to get Quibli. 

But now I'm not even sure if I want more fish, because only ONE tank is stressing me so bad. Another would be almost a death sentence (figuratively speaking). Shadow, on the other hand, is almost no stress despite his live food and weekly tank cleaning. I don't know why. I can love him without the constant mental breakdowns and tears shed because I think my poor animal might die if I make a single mistake (that's basically how fishkeeping works. To make it worse, in America our fishkeepijg info is worse so I can't get any info just from a google search, I have to dig for correct info. This means if Quibli got sick on short notice, i could not treat him in a snap of a finger)

I am hoping I can convince my parents of something More like a yellow conure or African grey parrot, who could be a companion with personality and would lower my stress levels instead of higher them. My dad is a huge bird lover, and has previously owned 7 including toucan, macaw, parrot, conure, and more. Although my mom may not be for this idea. So even just a little gargoyle or crested Gecko. Just something to be an emotional support animal. Don't get me wrong, shadow is an amazing one. The more the merrier though.

If I can pull off this feat of another animal, I will be content until I move out in about four to five years, and will be all set emotionally too, which would be great.

But in the meantime, Quibli is amazing. He's very entertaining, lots of personality from that little guy! 

i hope y'all are doing amazing aswell! I'm so sorry for being so infrequent on here! 

By the summer I'll be on more regularly! Schoolwork and such should cool down by the beginning of June, end of May. 3 More moths of real schoolwork woohoo! Then the month of June up until the 20th or so when we get out is traveling and 8th grade graduation stuff! So I'll be on tons in June hopefully! 

Have a great night!

Maybe You Should Leave Now (Fifth Art Book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora