141 26 39

After a year and so many amazing people, we've reached 1K!!!!!!
1,000 is such an unbelievable number..... I can barely believe it
Thank you so much, everyone...
Now I'd like to thank a few people even more
Oh my goodness bro, you're like, such an amazing person. You're creative, upbeat, and probably one of the most unbelievable digital artists I know of, I'm so glad that I know you

tacotime3 , donutsforblackjack , elephant_pasta
You're such an amazing cousins I couldn't ask for anyone better as cousins

You've been my Wattpad senpai for awhile now, but I've never been able to work up the guts to talk to you, your art is amazing, and you always blow me away with every piece

I'm honored to be friends with you man! You're an outstanding artist and great friend!

I know we haven't talked in forever, but I've been looking at your art book, and it's so amazing, your style, your coloring, your personality..... It's all amazing

Holy SHIZ man, I was so happy when you came back, and please don't you ever leave again!! We love you Noodle, just know that

My first friend here on Wattpad, and I hope we can remain friends for so much longer

Oh man, the first time I saw that you tagged me in some FANART, I knew you were capable of great things. And now look at you! You've improved so much, and one day you're going to do amazing things.

Oh my goodness, I couldn't ask for a better best friend. I don't really know what to say, but thank you

I don't remember your account name, but even though you moved, I'll never forget you, YOU MUST COME BACK

Bro, you're the best band trash friend ever, and you're pretty much just plain awesome

And finally
Where do I even start? You're literally my closest friend here. I couldn't ever ask for a better friend. You're such a talented person, with an amazing personality. You're caring, nice, friendly, and talented, how can I ever thank you enough for just being here?

And thanks to even the people who pressed the follow button and never looked at this profile again... You've gotten me this far, and I'm so amazed at it. Thank you all, and have an amazing day

Maybe You Should Leave Now (Fifth Art Book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora