Heyyyy! Another update plus an actual art piece :>
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"Crying in the Club" for Pawhex, my good friend who loves Camila Cabello and 5h more than anyone I've ever met!
Other than that, I've mulled it over and decided I'm still a crybaby. There's a lot of evidence that Timothy is either exadurating or lying, and I just honestly can't being myself to leave her. I was afraid if I stayed by her side others would clash me, but I realized I really don't care what other people think haha
HER NEW SONG IS GORGEOUS! It's only on SoundCloud currently and it's called PIGGYBACK.
Also, remember that "best friend " that was giving me so much trouble?
Well... I'm in a group chat with her and a whole bunch of other people? And one of my friends was at Petco and petsmart, so I was telling her how horrible both of them were. All of a sudden my "friend" comes in and starts clashing everything I say and defending petco. And word for word, this is what she said in one text "I DONT CARE ABOUT THE REPTILES THEY TAKE GREAT CARE OF THE SMALL FLUFFY ANIMALS" I was horrified. I knew she was bad, but never expected that. I fought back with every piece of evidence I could that both were equally as horrible. After she knew she had been proved wrong, she resorted to calling me things like "a sick bastard of an animal lover" over and over again. Of course, I had at least one person there to defend me, which was actually the one and only Pawhex yet again. Once another person joined my side she knew she was really defeated she stopped and then, here's the worst part: she says "I only meant a fourth of that. I've been practicing my ranting skills, what'd ya think?"
So basically.... It was all for her entertainment. All that name calling, putting down, yelling. It was all just an event to keep her entertained.
I don't think I'll ever view her the same way.
I've been trying so hard to avoid her, to cut all ties. But she's so clingy... she actually came up to me the day after and expected me to forgive her just like that. I'm so done. I don't know how to get rid of her. I know if I tell her straight out, she'll either start crying or something which will end up badly, or she'll get super mad at me and verbally insult me nonstop.
I don't know what the hell to do.
On another note, we did a secret Santa and yet again, Pawhex actually had me as the person she was supposed to get a gift for. So guess what? She got me 100 waxworms for shadow! I'm aware they're unhealthy for leopard geckos, so I'm kinda stuck with all these super fatty worms lol.
IIt was really sweet tho, I'm so happy about it hh
She also drew me a picture of Shadow which was the sweetest part :>
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And now school is over for a week! Hopefully the drama will go away a little too.