Ive been on wattpad 2 years!!

79 13 19

It feels like yesterday I was just a smol bean who didn't even know what an RP was.
Since then, I've made 5 art books, made so many amazing friends, created a whopping two fur suit heads, and GAINED 1.1K FOLLOWERS?!?! WHAT!!?!
Y'all are just so amazing. Even if I don't mention you in the next section of this chapter, just know I'm so thankful for your support.
I've made a few gifts to go along with the thank you's as well!
First off, Creepy_The_Wolf

My god dude, I will be forever thankful of your never ending support and amazing attitude towards everything! You're so sweet and optimistic! So talented as well, I'm so happy to have met you! Next, Ryuko1669

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

My god dude, I will be forever thankful of your never ending support and amazing attitude towards everything! You're so sweet and optimistic! So talented as well, I'm so happy to have met you!
Next, Ryuko1669

My god dude, I will be forever thankful of your never ending support and amazing attitude towards everything! You're so sweet and optimistic! So talented as well, I'm so happy to have met you! Next, Ryuko1669

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(I'm not sure why the picture is sideways??)
I remember when you first talked to me and I was so flattered at all of your compliments. At first I didn't really get to know you, but when I did? OH, you're an absolute sweetheart and I'm forever greatful to have you as a friend!


You're a fairly new friend, but honestly, you're so amazing

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You're a fairly new friend, but honestly, you're so amazing. I love your personality and you're so heckin creative! I love your art and just you as a person! What a great friend to have!


When I saw that such a popular person such as yourself liked my art, honestly, it made me so happy

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

When I saw that such a popular person such as yourself liked my art, honestly, it made me so happy. You're such a sweet person with a great personality! You're so approachable and tolerate so many people, it amazes me. I cant wait to work on the comic as well!

It won't tag, and I am so sorry that I forgot to make you something, I feel so bad! But you offer endless support and are such a perfect person. I absolutely adore your art style, and am blessed to be your friend

And lastly, MamaCheesecake

My god, where do I begin? You were my first best friend here on Wattpad

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My god, where do I begin? You were my first best friend here on Wattpad. No matter what, you supported me and I felt I could tell you anything. You were always so friendly and have the best sense of humor! Forever and ever I will love your art and derp doodles and just you. I actually used to fantasize scenarios of us meeting and hanging out, and maybe who knows? Me, you, creepy, Ryu, and Noodle could all get together someday in the far away future! That would be amaZing. Thank you so much for your support and I'll support you as well for ever and ever! 💕

Thank you to all my followers and friends for an amazing 2 years, and I'm sure this will be another one.

Maybe You Should Leave Now (Fifth Art Book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora