Chapter 4.

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Andrew knows about my feelings for Daniel now. He tries his best to distract me from staring at the new 'it' couple. It works most of the time, but he's not always there to distract me. When he's not there I can't help but look at Daniel and Julie. She's different from all the other girls that Daniel has dated. It seems he really likes her. The thought is very upsetting, but it does seem like he's serious about her. Daniel doesn't really date. He will only be committed to someone he loves, so for now he'll just play around till he finds the one. Those are his words.

There was a knock on the door, making me pause the game Matt and I were playing. I got up and opened the door. To my surprise, it was Daniel. He hasn't come here since the start of school. This used to be his second home,but ever since Julie...well he's been busy.

"Hey V!" He grins

"Uh hey? What are you doing here????" I ask in confusion

"It's been so long since we've hung out. Plus I need some help" He says as he walks in. I figured he needed something. 

"Help with what?" I ask, taking a seat next to Matt

"You may not believe this but I actually really really like Julie....she's not just some one time thing to me. I really like her and I'm planning to ask her to be my girlfriend. I find it crazy too but there's just something about her. " He said; his voice filled with honesty. 

I stayed silent. I knew it. I also know that I should feel pain and sadness, but I don't feel anything. It's just all numb. I thought that I have already mentally and emotionally prepared myself for this, but honestly who is prepared to hear the love of their life admit that they really like someone else.

"Why would she help you?"Matt interrupts my thoughts

"I mean all you've been doing for the past few weeks was not talk to her, ignore her, ditch her and practically forget about her." He continues 

Daniel looks confused as if he doesn't know what he was talking about. It hurts that he doesn't even realise. He doesn't know that for 4 weeks, he and I haven't spoken. He keeps saying that he has plans with Julie and the rest of his friends. He kept ditching me and I'm supposed to be his best friend.

"When was the last time you talked to her." Matt questions him.

"When we went bowling" Daniel replies

"And how long ago was that"

"4 weeks?"


Did I mention ever since the bowling alley incident, Matt and Andrew now start to hate Daniel. No? well yeah, they do. Matt was very mad when Andrew brought me home very sad. The very mad Andrew explained to the very mad Matt that Daniel and his friends were being hypocrites and implying that I ditched them when in fact they ditched me first. It led to a very angry rant about how Daniel and his friends are very bad. All the while the very sad Verdana watched T.V. and ate very yummy ice cream. That was how the very upsetting night ended. 

"Look, I'm sorry, but V you gotta help me. I really like her and you're my best friend" Daniel says, looking at me.

Best friend zoned. Matt scoffs, and I look at him with a warning look. I can handle this on my own.

"Sure. Whatever. I'll help." I say. If it'll make you happy Daniel....

"Yes! Thank you!!! You're the best" he hugs me tightly

Just then Andrew comes down shirtless and with bed head. He looks hot, no shame in admitting it. Matt has given him the okay to sleep in what was previously Daniel's room here. It seems like Matt is the ruler of this house...

"What's with all the noise" He whines 

"Morning Sleeping Beauty" I tease

"Morning lil kitten" He completely ignores the tease and hugs me

"What is HE doing here." Daniel says glaring at Andrew

" I slept over and hung out with these two" Andrew explains

"V, Tell me. Are you two dating." Daniel looks at me with the serious eyes. I was about to reply when Andrew cuts me off

"Why do you have to know" Andrew says

"I'm her best friend." Daniel says, making Matt and Andrew scoff

"Andrew deserves that title." Matt says. 

"Thank you, Matt. But even if it wasn't me, you don't deserve that title. What you deserve is the title of worst best friend ever." Andrew says looking at Daniel.

"It's like I'm not here anymore." I groan. Andrew pulls me to his side,and kisses my forehead

"Course not lil kitten. Your beauty can't be ignored" He winks. 

"Shut up." I blush. This guy really knows what to say to a girl. How he has no girlfriend yet is mystery.

"Back off. She doesn't deserve a guy like you." Daniel growls

"And she doesn't deserve a best friend like you." Andrew counters

"Are you going to let him say this?!" Daniel looks at me

"All of you shut up . I'll help you Daniel but please stop fighting with Andrew because they are right he's been a better best friend than you have been." I say looking directly at him. I've missed looking at him. i've missed these emerald green eyes.

"V..." Daniel says stepping closer to me

"Please don't call me that.....only people who care about me call me that." I know that I will regret this later...

"I care..." He says softly

"No. All you care about is Julie. She's your whole world now. Julie and soccer. It's ALWAYS Julie and soccer." I say

"V...I care about you. I'm sorry if I haven't been prioritizing our friendship that much, but you are special to me." He says

I look up at him and smile lightly

"Okay. Now please go. I have to talk with Matt and Andrew" I say

He nods and is about to leave when he says over his shoulder.

"Oh and we'll talk about how to get Julie to be my girlfriend tomorrow after soccer practice"

Julie And Soccer. Again.


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