Chapter 34.

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After Julie complained,sweared at me,threatened me and got dragged out by Drew and Chris, I accepted Daniel's offer in being his date. I found it so cute when he was explaining himself as to why he said I was his date. His face was pink and embarrassed but I said yes anways. I smile at the memory and close my locker. Suddenly a pair of hands wrap around my waist and I immediately know who it is. Speak of the devil...

"Hey V!" Daniel says hugging me

"Haha Hi Daniel" I turn to face him and he lets me go

"What are you doing this weekend?" He asks and I shrug

"Most likely gonna have a movie marathon with Drew and Matt" I say

"Wellll I wanted to know if you wanna hang out this weekend? Just us?" He asks and I shrug again

"Sure! Where?" I ask

"Uhmmm road trip. I already told Drew bout it actually and he says it's okay. He also prepared all your stuff...with the help of Bella and Simone of course." He explains

"Uhmm okay?" I say.

He's planned something. I just know it.

"Great! I'll pick you up-" he says but gets cut off by Drew who puts an arm around me

"No need!!! The girls and I brought all V's stuff and put it all in your car. You can go right now!!" He says and Daniel nods and smiles

"Thanks Man." He says and Drew grins at him.

"Have fun sis and take care" Drew says giving me a kiss on the forehead

"I will!" I say and Daniel takes my hand and leads me to his car. He opens the passenger seat door for me and I chuckle at his actions. He gets in the driver seat and starts driving.

"So Daniel, what is all this?" I ask and he grins

"Two people hanging out together for the weekends." He says and I roll my eyes

"Come onnn tell meeeee" i say and he shakes his head

"Nope! It's a surpriseeeeee" He says and I pout

"Patience V." He says and takes my hand.

After about an hour of driving, we reached a pier. I look at Daniel confused and he just smiles and gets out to open the door for me. I go out and help him with the bags. He thanks me and rushes off, I follow him and find him talking to a man and putting our bags on the boat.

"Okayyyy then. Not gonna ask anymore." I say handing Daniel my bag

"Heh thanks." He says and gestures for me to get in the boat.

As I was getting in I slipped and was prepared to face the wet floor when I didn't, I looked up to see Daniel.

"Hey V...I guess you could fell for me" He says and I roll my eyes and hit his shoulder

I fell asleep during the boat ride so when I woke up I was sleeping in a bed and our bags are all there in the room. I picked up a note from the side table


Change into something formal but casual...idk I'm not good with fashion. Just come outside after


I frown in confusion but shrug it off and do it anyways. I checked my clothes and found a beautiful mint green flowy dress. I go into the bathroom and put it on and put on some light makeup. I finish and decide to leave my hair natural.

When I go out I see Daniel waiting for me. His back was turned to me but when he heard the door closed he turned to me with a smile.

"You look amazing." He says and I blush

"Wait..." He goes back to where he was seated and picks up a rose. He hands it to me but as I was about to get it from me he pulls it towards himself and breaks the stem so it's shorter. He then puts the rose on my hair and smiles

"There...Beautiful." He says and I blush again

"Are you finally gonna tell me where and what we're doing here" I ask and he laughs

"Is that why you won't talk to me?" He asks and I sheepishly nod

"Well if you must know we're in an island with the most beautiful beach" He says and I nod

"And as for what we're doing here..." He takes my hand and we start walking

"You'll find out later"


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