Chapter 18.

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I should probably explain that Daniel saved me from that asshole and dropped me off at my house. Apparently it was someone from the soccer team who has had his eye on me. Daniel explained to Drew what had happened and then left immediately. Andrew took care of me and comforted me.

The whole weekend Andrew and Matt have been trying to cheer me up and it was working a bit. But then it was back to school and I was so scared to go back. I was afraid he might find me but Andrew assured me that he won't lay a finger on me. 

I went to school and as soon as I got there Bella hugged me tightly and asked how I was doing. Drew told her what happened while I was asleep and she's been worried sick. She was trying to talk to me, but I really wasn't in the mood today. I just wanted to get this day over with.

The whole day Drew and Bella made sure I wasn't alone. It got kinda annoying but I'm thankful they care. Though they're not with me all the time...

I was walking to my locker when I suddenly got punched. I look up to see the guy who assaulted me, bruised and angry. He picks me up and slaps me hard on the face.

"All I wanted was some fun, but what I got was not only a beating but an expelling" he growls

" I lost my chance for a scholarship in soccer because of you, so you're gonna get what troublesome little girls like you deserve." He goes for another punch. A crowd starts forming around us and no one does anything. They just watch me get beat up into a pulp. He throws me to the floor and starts kicking me in the gut. He picks me up and is about to go for a punch when he's pushed to the ground making me fall.

I shakily look up and see Logan and Chris holding back the guys arms and a furious Daniel yelling at him. I could make out the words leave, pay, regret and touch. But everything else is blurry to me.Daniel beats up the guy again but this time he doesn't just hit him a few times. He goes full on hulk on him; there's too much violence I needed to stop it. With the few energy I had left I said a soft yet clear


Daniel stops and looks at me. He shoves the guy and Chris and Logan let him go. The guy runs away and the three run to me.  

"V...oh my god. We need to get her to the clinic" Daniel picks me up and rushes to the clinic with Logan and Chris following behind. That was the last thing I remember. Who knew saying one word could take up so much energy?




I wake up with a pounding head and an aching body. I sit up and look around. This isn't the clinic...This is the hospital. Bella is on the chair asleep and Logan and Chris were here too. I look beside me and see Drew holding my hand also asleep. The only one not here is-

The door opens to reveal Daniel carrying some take out food. His eyes brighten when he sees me and rushes to put everything down and sits on my other side.

"You're awake!!" He whispers

"y yeah" I say weakly. Damn my throat hurts

"You need anything? Water? Food? Juice? You need the doctor??" He asks and I shake my head

"W-water" I manage to say. He gets the water and hands it to me. I drink it up and my throat feels so much better.

"Why am I in the hospital?" I ask

"You were hit on the head and we had to get you checked if anything is wrong. Also he broke a rib or two. I honestly don't know all I could think of was if you'll be okay" He says

"Thanks for saving me...again." I say 

"No problem." He smiles

"But I'm guessing you want me to forget about it again?" I smile weakly. His smile turns into a frown. 

"I'm sorry." He says as he takes my hand. 

"I'm sorry I'm such a jerk...I don't hate you. It's too hard to even try and hate you. I was just so hurt that you left. Like I said, you're my rock, you keep me sane and in check. At first I was mad at you for leaving me and replacing me with Andrew, but then as time goes by I got mad at myself for not even trying to fix this and not trying to do anything to maintain our friendship. i didn't do anything to actually show you that you meant so much to me. By the time that I realised that I was in fault for my jerk attitude, you seemed to have started to ignore me. I completely understand why you would. At the time, I thought you hated me, so I thought that my punishment for being such a jerk to you and for breaking your heart is letting you hate me. So I became even more of a jerk so that you could hate me."

"At the time it made so much sense, but now I see that it is so so stupid. I am so so stupid and  so so sorry. You are so special to me, V. I told you that you keep me sane. You left, and I suddenly became an idiot. I don't ever want to lose you again. I think I might just go crazy. I'm so so sorry and  I know I don't deserve it but at least take it into consideration" He finishes ranting and rambling. He looks up at me with pleading eyes that were full of sincerity. He was really sorry. Like I said, I just can't hate him.

"If you won't be an ass to Drew then we'll see" I say . In a millisecond, he's hugging me tightly.

"To be honest the only reason I hated Andrew was cause he was stealing you from me. I mean every time you see him your eyes brighten up and it's like you like him way better" He says still hugging me

"Exactly how I feel with Julie" I point out. He looks down sadly and guilty.

"Heh come on don't be sad" I say and ruffle his hair. The mood was ruined by my stomach grumbling

"I'm guessing you're hungry" He chuckles

"Yeah" I smile sheepishly. He takes out my favorite chicken soup from the food he brought. My eyes light up and he chuckles at me. I hold out my hand for him to give it to me, but he just  looks at it and slaps it away.

"Hey" I whine 

"I'm feeding you. Shush." He says as he sits down next to me 

As he feeds me we talk about anything and everything. I couldn't be happier to have my best friend back. I  smile thinking back to the time I was sick and Daniel skipped school to take care of me. It was the first time he ever skipped school and it was for me.

I feel the bed move and see Andrew start waking up. My smile widens and I poke his face

"Drew...Drew...Drew!!" I poke him as I say his name 

"Baby V stop it." He swats my hand. It takes him a few seconds until realisation hits him. He sits up looking at me with wide eyes

"OH MY GOSH YOU'RE OKAY" He yells waking everyone up. He hugs me tightly and I hug him back

"I DONT EVER WANT TO SEE YOU IN A HOSPITAL BED AGAIN" He yells again. I laugh at him

"Unless you're giving me a nephew/neice" Bella says hugging me tight

Chris and Logan start rambling how they were so worried and filled me in on what happened after I passed out. Bella was also talking to me about it. Daniel and Andrew went out to talk and I smile happily to myself.

Everything is looking better at last.


.....If Only it could stay that way....

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