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This is a story about a girl who was in love with her best friend.

As time passes by her best friend soon falls in love with her too.

They end up together and the girl thought that she would no longer have to say If Only.

But then,

If Only Life Wasn't So Cruel...


Graduation day. Mother was here with her new boyfriend. They were both congratulating me and I just nodded at them.

I looked around and saw all my friends hugging and kissing their significant other. It pained me as I couldn't find mine.

He was gone. Daniel left.

The day after prom. I fell asleep in his arms and woke up in bed alone. I didn't mind it at first cause I knew he had to get home.

He didn't show up to school for weeks now. I started getting worried. I went to his house and found it completely empty. The only thing there was a For Sale sign. I tried texting him and calling him but it was no use.

He just left. With no goodbye. Nothing.

He was gone. Forever.

My mind got all messed and I couldn't think straight. I didn't eat much, I barely slept and I was worrying everyone. When they found out about it they looked at me with so much pity.

Do you know how it feels? No? Let me try to explain.

The love of your life makes your night so special. He gives you a prpmise ring and he tells you he loves you multiple times. He makes sure you know how much he loves you before he leaves without a trace nor a goodbye. Every fucking day do you hope that he just comes back and say he went on some unexpected vacation but no. He left you and he's not ever coming back.

And the stupid promise ring.

You look at it and it's like someone just stabbed you over and over. As if the pain you were feeling just wasn't enough.

It was the promise ring that gabe you hope he wpuld come back. It made you remember that he loves you no matter where he was. He loves you.

He loves you
He loves you
He loves you

He left you.

I didn't wear the ring on my finger anymore. I just attached it to a string and turned it into a necklace.

He's gone V. He's never coming back. Move on already.

But how do you just move on and face the fact that your one and only has left. I don't understand...

After ALL that we've been through. After all the heartache he put me through. After all the kisses. The hugs. The love.

He abandons it all.


He had to leave. He knew he couldn't if he told her. He'd be stubborn and stay.

He was hurting too. So much goddamit. He was fuck up.

He gave her that promise ring so she would know that he'll come back for her and that he'll love her forever.

He was in so much pain.

If Only he could stay. If only he wasn't such a fuck up.

"Daniel...please. Talk to us." His dad said

For the first time since they left, he spoke.

"Maybe this is for the best. Leaving. At least now she can find someone who will love her properly and who won't put her through any heartache." He says


And she did...

She started dating again in her 3rd year in college. This guy made her happy. He treated her like an angel and he never ever broke her heart in any way.

She had moved on and forgetten about her love.

But he didn't forget. And deep down he still loves her.

If Only things ended the way it should have.

If Only Happy Endings Really Did Exist.


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