Chapter 13.

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I was talking with Chris and it was all good until I found out that yesterday Chris made it to the soccer team. Well, it was fun while it lasted. I can't talk to him or else I'll have to face the king of jerks again. Daniel is really emotionally draining. 

"Yeah!! The team is so good at playing." He says 


We walk to the cafeteria and were heading to our table when the soccer team calls Chris over. I expected this. Our table watches Chris closely. If he goes to the soccer team, he will no longer be our friend. It's the stupid made up rules that we have created.

"Hey is it okay if I join them?" He asks 

"You can. Sure." I shrug

"Thanks V" He says grinning and goes to the soccer team. They all cheer and give him a pat on the back. I look at our table and shrug. He made his choice. He was a cool dude...too bad he had to join soccer. Through out lunch I can feel him looking back at us, but we're happily talking to each other and ignoring him.




Chris approaches us during P.E. with a big smile. I guess no one has told him yet.

"Hey guys!" He says. We all say hi but the others make an excuse to leave. All that's left now is just Bella and I. He looks at us confused and Bella chuckles at his cluelessness 

"Should I tell him?" She asks me and I shrug

"Might as well"

"Look ,Chris , recently the basketball team and the soccer team both hate each other" Bella explains

"We don't talk to any of them. We don't hang out with them. We hate each other, and since you're in the soccer team..." Bella trails off

"You guys hate me too." Chris finishes

"We don't hate you. We're just not gonna talk to you to avoid conflict." She says. Yeah...exactly. She said it perfectly. I guess that is the main reason. If we talk to them then it will start a stupid fight between Andrew and Daniel. It really is all about those two. 

"Why do you hate each other?" He asks

"Daniel, Andrew and V." Bella says

"Hey!! I have nothing to do with this. I'm just minding my own business and ignoring the jerk face. Those two are the ones who want to strangle each other." I try to defend myself

Just then Logan goes up to Chris

"Chris, mate, let's go. The soccer field is that way." Logan says. He looks at me and smiles 

"Hi Verdana!" He says.  I internally sigh that I have to ignore a nice person. I nod in acknowledgment before walking away from them.




Did I ever mention that last period was not only with Andrew but also Daniel,Logan, and Julie. No? Well now you know. 

"Baby V we haven't hang out in days" He whines

"Well it's not my fault you're always at training" I say 

"I miss my little sister" He pouts

"Shut up." I glare at him which makes him laugh and kiss my cheek.

"You're adorable." he says, making me roll my eyes

"Ugh get a room" Julie says looking at us with disgust

"Sure and then after that we'll get you a doctor to help with your STD's" Andrew says smirking

"Mmm Nah Drew we'll get her either a pregnancy test or a weighing scale cause she's getting rounder" I say. Drew laughs and gives me a high five

I notice Daniel just sitting there watching everything with an amused face. Logan was laughing just as hard as Andrew and Julie was bright red with anger. She storms off making us laugh even more.

"I have taught you well my young grasshopper" Andrew says, wiping a tear from his eyes

"Learned from the best" I grin


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