Chapter 16.

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During lunch, instead of eating, we all took turns in shooting gummy bears into someone's mouth. I was shooting gummy bears into Andrew's mouth. The guys here are all really good basketball players so obviously they'd nail this. I, on the other hand, don't have such a good aim. Don't worry though, no gummy bears were wasted. There was always someone who would catch the gummy bears before it falls to the ground.

I was about to shoot another one when suddenly Logan and Chris walk up to our table making everyone drop what they're doing. I'm pretty sure everyone was thinking the same thing: What in the world are they doing here?

"Hey guys! Could we sit with you?" Chris asks. We all look at Andrew since he was the leader.

"Uhm uh sure?" He says unsurely. The two of them grin and sit with us. Awkward silence fills the air

"So what were you doing?" Logan speaks up after about a minute of awkward silence.

"Shooting gummy bears into Andrew's mouth" Hayden says. They're eyes light up in interest

"Can we try???" They ask. Everyone looks at me this time since I was apparently second to Andrew.

"Sure" I shrug and hand them some gummy bears. They start throwing at Andrew and keep missing his mouth, making the whole table laugh at Drew's complaints.

That was how our lunch went and it's like we all forgot they're supposed to be our arch enemies. They're just so much fun to hang out with and so funny. We kept teasing them because they couldn't get a single gummy bear in Andrew's mouth. I guess they were better with their feet. 

From that point on, it was a great day. Everything was going great, almost too great...




I was walking in the hallway after school when I'm suddeny slammed against the lockers. I groan in pain and open my eyes to see some guy pinning me to the lockers. He seems familiar...He leans closer and whispers in my ear

"You and I are gonna have a lot of fun..." He says. I struggle to break free.

Looking down, I see a huge bulge on his pants making me realize what he's about to do. I struggle even more and manage to scream a short scream. He slaps me hard on the face and starts kissing my neck harshly. I can't move and am practically crying already. No one is in the school since classes are over so I almost give up.

Suddenly the guy was pulled off me and I fell to the ground. I was sobbing my eyes out and all I can hear is the sound of someone groaning in pain and someone yelling. Soon a pair of arms gently hug me and I cry even more. I bury my face into the person's chest and keep crying. They hug me tight and kiss my head. The last thing I hear before blacking out is

"I'll always protect you V... i l-"

And everything turned black


A/N authors note!! How you guys like the new cover?? cathrynrenee made some and I am lovingg iiitt. If you're an author and need help with a cover I definitely 100% recommend her. Go check her out.

Also thank you for 455 views!!!! Damn the views are growing so fast and I'm so shocked!!! I can't believe you guys are enjoying it. Thank you so much you guys are awesome!!!


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