Chapter 45.

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Everything was back to normal. After the guys gave Daniel a one hour lecture to not be stupid and break my heart ever again and after the girls hit him in the head multiple times and scolded him, we were all okay.

Today though, I am not okay.

"I don't want to gooooo" I whine

"You are going whether you like it or not." Bella says sternly

"Andrewwww help meeeeeee" I plead

"Nah sorry sis. You're alone here." He says laughing


"Daniel?" I ask

"I'm with the girls on this one. Sorry babe."

There response was soft 'stop' and then they continued with their game

"You're not getting out of this V. We're going shopping whether you like it or not." Simone says smirking. I hear Elaina snicker and I glare at her

"If I'm going then Elaina is going with us." I say and her eyes widen

"And she's going to go to prom with Andrew." I say smirking at her and Andrew

Andrew grins at his phone, not looking up at us.

"Who said I wanted to go with this idiot?" Elaina says

"Your heart. Your head. You." Us girls say

"B b but doesn't Andrew have a girlfriend?" She says looking down

All of us stopped. Logan and Chris paused their game and turned to look at her, Andrew looked up from his phone, Daniel stopped drinking his water and us girls faced her

And then, we laughed. We laughed so hard I was crying, Logan and Chris were on the floor, Bella and Simone were cluthcing their stomach and Daniel had spat out his water.

"What's so funny?" Elaina asks but we were all too busy laughing

"I don't have a girlfriend. I never had a girlfriend." Andrew sighs

"I have the WORST LUCK in relationships. They think it's funny because of the last girl I TRIED to ask out" He continued

"What happened?" Elaina asks

"The girl didn't show up. I was the one who had to wait in the restaurant till it closed. And when I asked the girl why she didn't show up she said it was cause she forgot." He said this making us laugh even harder

"Since then the story spread and girls are mocking me and some made really  bad rumors about it so now girls don't wanna date me." He says with a sigh

"AND THEN, these idiots heard about all the rumors and make fun of me." He says crossing his arms

"It's hilarious." Logan says

"Yeah! Especially because now that he's captain of the basketball team, girls are now at his feet."Chris says

"They like him just cause he's popular and cause he got way hotter" Bella says

"Anywayssss, No girlfriend."  Danielsays and We all smirk at Elaina

"So now you have no choice." Simone says

"B but" She tries to protest but ends up with no excuse. Andrew suddenly comes up to her with a beautiful bouquet

"I was planning to ask you anyways" He says getting down on one knee. The girls and I cover our mouths trying to prevent an aww from slipping out. Elaina grins wildly and nods her head. She hugs Andrew tightly and we all clap.

"TIME TO GO SHOPPING" Bella yells making Elaina and I groan


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