5: Optimus

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The travel through to the other system was rather quiet, but this was space. The one place where no one can or will ever be able to hear you scream. Oh the joys of being in space! At least now Optimus wasn't alone in the midst of space, but on a ship. It felt relieving to not have to have his thrusters going on high the entire time, not sure of where he was or where he was even supposed to go.

He had stayed in his HAB suite for what a normal mecha would account as a cycle. Optimus hadn't really wished to leave but even he needed to say thank you to Nightblade for dragging him onto her ship (which isn't even hers). Slowly, he rose from the berth and planted his pedes on the ground. The steely ground was cool underneath him, also refreshing. Each step was quiet; especially for a mecha his size. He tapped the doors controls that were a square key pad that held a few dozen true Cybertronian glyphs.

The reason that they are considered 'true' glyphs is because they are the old ones. The older the glyph style, the truer it is to the original creation of the earlier Cybertronians. This ship, is by definition, ancient. But it isn't as old – ancient – as Nightblade or himself.

The door didn't have any kind of lock to keep him in, so leaving the HAB suite was simple and easy. But once he took a step outside the door, he noticed the empty and sparsely lit hall way. It was a bit unsettling since his HAB that he's been in has been light up like a Christmas tree, it was quick change of scene. Optimus just pushed through. And though it was darker than he had been used to, it was certainly brighter than being in the reaches of space.

It was an emptiness that he would wish upon no living soul. Mecha or not, he wouldn't do it.

As he walked down, it started to become more lit. But the once straight path diverged into three more. One straight ahead of him, and one on each side. More light was coming from the right, he followed it. Then he began to hear voices, muffled by the distance? He wasn't so sure, but continued anyway. They became louder.

"Stop it! That's creating!" A femme's voice sounded more clear than before. He made it closer to the entrance of the whatever room this was, he quickly figured it out when he got there. A training area. He should have known Nightblade would have a place specific to train, since she and her mate were here with their creations – not that Optimus knew about the creations being there. He didn't see them when he got pulled onto the ship. He had seen Skyblaze and herself and that was basically it. The voice didn't sound like either of the two old femme's that he knew.

"It's not creatin' if I'm winning!" He had now seen the two that were – as it would seem – sparring. A dark blue femme held a staff in one servo and would swing and catch it with the other. The other, a light red, kind of pink but not really, held a blunt sword. "That's exactly what you're doing! You're cheating!" The dark blue femme growled, blocking an attack from the other pink-ish femme.

"You're just mad 'cause I'm winning." That same pink-ish femme mewled in retort. The continued their disagreement with slashing and blocking each other's attacks.

Optimus, still standing at the entrance to this arena, watching. The other side, there was what looked to be a control panel that was black – probably off then.

"Ease off it you two." He had recognized that voice, "Your sire got your dinner made. C'mon. Put that down Silentstorm." With a sound of almost disappointment came from the femme, who he knew was Skyblaze. The pink-ish femme who looked disappointed and hung the blade that she wielded on the wall. The hooks disapeared behind another layer of metal, hiding the weapon. "You know you're not supposed to get out the swords without Night here." Silentstorm grumbled, and moved passed her carrier. The dark blue femme placed down the staff that she was using as her weapon, and made her way out too.

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