8: Cade

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"Sorry Yeager repair, we got caught in traffic." Lucky charms (because I really love to call Shane that,) said as he set down Tessa's bags from Bumblebee's trunk. She had a lot with her. Did she bring her entire dorm? Cade rolled his eyes and grabbed a set of bags. "If getting stuck in traffic sets you off two weeks then wow." He huffed when he lifted another arm full of Tessa's junk. "Did you forget anything? I think you may have forgot the Huston University library!"

She huffed and leaned on the hood of Bumblebee, looking at her dad as if he was being ridiculous. He was kind of. "There are only four textbooks in there, dad." She then hoisted her purse over her shoulder, "Plus, I don't need the library. I have what I need."

"Tessa, school's important. Just because you have a scholarship doesn't mean it's going to be easy sailing." He tried to give her a look that said, 'I'm being serious' but he just missed the mark. "Dad. I know. I'm getting my work done and I have made good on all of my tests." He looked at her with a pleading eye. "I'm serious. Are you taking any of this serious? It really doesn't feel like you are." She walked passed him, getting the door for him and Shane.

"Dad! I am doing what I'm doing! I've been doing just fine!" She let the door slam shut after the two made it in. "Be nice to the house." Cade chided her while walking up the stairs, arms being strained with the ridiculous weight of her bags. He noticed that Shane was being uncharacteristically quiet but he made no comment. Honestly, Cade was annoyed that he wasn't told that they were stuck in traffic. Who gets stuck in traffic for two weeks? It doesn't happen.

He was not only starting to get on the verge of actual anger with his only daughter but she just got home. He could get really annoyed at her at day two of being at home. It would drive it into her head a bit better than just hammering her the first hours of being back, or at least that he thought about it.

Tess then opened her room's door and Shane and Cade put down all of the luggage. Shane sighed and sat down on the bed. "We've got that done. Why don't we do something?" Shane asked with an innocent gaze mostly directed at Tessa, but Cade did a natural step in between the batting eye lashes. "What you got in mind?" Cade looked at Tess, waiting for her to perhaps pipe in and add her idea for the rest of the day. But really, Cade wanted to spend some quality time with his daughter, without her (boy)friend. Even though the two have been dating for five years, and neither are minors, Cade wasn't too keen on the idea of his daughter leaving him for lucky charms over here. He wanted her to be happy, to be treated right. And if she wasn't, he'd beat the living shit out of the motherfucker that decided otherwise. She was the only family he had left, by blood anyway.

"We could go outside. Just sit and relax," Shane looked at Cade with a pleading look in his eyes, a devious smile. "Without smooching."

"You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"

"Not a chance dad."

"Do we have a plan?"

"Of course! We do something without those weird assholes outside." Tessa groaned, flicking her thumb behind her where the window was located.

"I'm NOT an asshole. In fact, everything is strictly retaliatory." Drift popped his gold and blue head close to the window. "Also, that's hurtful."

Tessa rolled her eyes. "I thought robots didn't have feelings." Shane and Cade looked at her, there was shock in Shane's eyes while there was only an annoyance that plagued his. "Now stop. That was uncalled for. You like Bumblebee."

"No, I ride with Bumblebee. I don't like to. If I had a choice I would have bought my own car and drove myself... not here." She crossed her arms over her chest, not even looking like she didn't mean everything she had just said. This was starting to frustrate Cade, he knew she could get grumpy and say things that she didn't really meant but right now... He was starting of thinking a few things that she wouldn't like. "Well, if you feel that way," He lifted a few of her bags and pushed them into her arms, "You can leave."

"You can't be serious."

"Tessa Avery Yeager, look me in the eye. Do I look like I'm not being serious? You too lucky charms. If you can't respect them, they're guests here, you're disrespecting me. If you can't handle it, then find yourself a place, because I won't have it." His face was drawn in tight, Cade was hoping that after not seeing his daughter for a few months there wouldn't be hostilities towards the bots or him. He was sadly wronged. Tessa looked like she was about to throw a fit, but instead, she dropped all her stuff at her feet. That left her purse on her shoulder. Her eyes looked like they had a fire behind them, and her cheeks. Before anything was allowed to continue, she walked out, slamming the door. Shane looked at Cade.

"I'm surprised you said it."

"She needed to be shown that I'm done."

"No. Not what I meant."

"What do you mean then?"

"Did she tell you why she's here?" Cade looked at Shane, still looking ready to kill. Only with words was he ready to kill.

"Spit it out. No, she never told me anything. Hell, I never got to talk to her, it was always through Drift." Shane's eyes closed. He would have thought that Drift of even Crosshairs would have told him what's up. He was wrong to an extreme. Now, with her dad looking at him so intensely, he almost didn't want to be the provider of bad news. But someone is going to have to break the news to him, it might as well just get over with and done.

"She's been kicked off of campus-"

"Why?!" Cade practically roared at Shane, his eyes flinched. "-because..." Shane trailed off. Should he tell her dad? That could – potentially – ruin what he and Tessa have as father and daughter.

"she had something in her dorm that wasn't supposed to be there."

"Stop alluding and going around what it is! Just tell me." He leaned in, his dark brown eyes were boring into Shane's hide. So he did what he thought could be best, and just told him. There was a silence for a moment, an eerie silence. Cade's features were unreadable. Without an announcement, he walked out, never even saying what he was going to do next. That is when Shane knew, he fucked up.

"Oh. I do not like this..." Drift rumbled, Shane forgot that he was standing outside the window. "Me either." His head going down into his hands. "What have I done?" He said aloud but mostly towards himself. Drift stood quietly, looking at the human sympathetically. "If you did not tell him, he would not have a daughter."

"But now she's going to hate me for telling him AND, let's not forget, he told me to protect her. A load of blooming shit I am at that."

"Least you had the courage to tell him."

"Because I didn't have the courage to keep it inside."

Note: What is Tassa Hiding? Only time will tell (or when I think of something)!

(BTW, sorry it's short. I actually am having a hard time coming up with chaos that will ensue! But I am trying my hardest!

How is this going so far? Tell me how you like it (or don't like it), I'm curious. :)

Thank you for reading!

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