12: Cade

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Cade had been frustrated since not Tessa but Shane told him what was really going on. His faith in people since before the whole CIA thing five years had left him less than trusting. And less than pleased as well. Why, was one of the few things that floated through his mind. Was everything she told me a lie? He couldn't bear to think about it, he wanted to still believe that she was doing as she should have, going to school and doing good with it.

In his fingers, it was an old photo from when she graduated high school. She did not show any outward signs that she'd do anything of this nature. Having a weapons, pharmaceuticals, and filled out tests to skillfully and less than truthful method of making her way through, it hurt him. He wanted her to have a better life than he did. Cade did not have the chance to go to college, not for it to really matter. Most of what he learned, he learned through work and figuring it out on his own.

He never wanted that for her, but she made her decision. And she'd have to accept the consequences for her actions. But could Cade really expect Tessa to follow through with the consequences if she wouldn't take the responsibility of what she was supposed to be doing? He couldn't.

Cade was stuck in a place where he was infuriated but sad. It wasn't even Tessa who said anything, it was her boyfriend. That made him look better in Cade's eyes but it still was not what he wanted, but in a way, Shane had earned his keep as his daughter's boyfriend. But there was the one thing, why didn't he stop her? He is a few years older than her. Sometimes, even age can't help you, and sadly, all things must happen.

There was a light thump that sounded like Drift's steps. Drift tapped on the front door of the house, whispering, "Cade? Are you doing alright?" He did not respond but Drift did not turn away. His cyan optics stared into the house's window, hoping to see his human friend and perhaps have him leave his home. All though he knew Cade did not want to see or talk to anyone now, and most likely not for some time, until the smoke of shock subsides. But until then, Drift has tried to get him to come out, Crosshairs did not seem to care as deeply for their human friends. Hound and Bumblebee were on a similar page with Crosshairs, they were kind of done with human interaction.

The blue and gold mecha sighed, and stood back up. He felt like he could not do something for Cade, anything. But it wasn't his fault, Cade was not in the mood to speak to anyone, his eyes spoke louder than his words, they usually did. And that was usually how Cade 'spoke', never really using his words until it was completely necessary. Or one of the mecha around his home were closer to endangering his house, honestly, he stopped caring about the fence that they've smashed and driving through. Time and time again.

Though, everything seemed to be falling apart. Cade's daughter doing things that she promised she would never do, a puss for her boyfriend, what else was missing from this chaos? His lonely human mind travelled across the stars and wondered about that one mecha... Optimus. He thought in a joking matter that if he did come back (while Cade was still alive) he'd be able to fix this. All of this. With his age came wisdom and Cade needed that kind of guidance right now, especially with Tessa.

Optimus did act at times like a father figure to Bumblebee, that much Cade noticed. How he tried to keep 'Bee away from the fight, and would rather himself parish than Bumblebee, that sounded like what a parent would do. Protect their kids. Cade did not know that Optimus was not 'Bee's father but nor did he ask. And it's not like Bumblebee would say 'Oh! By the way, he ain't my dad!', he's been really quiet since Tessa left.

She turned into a real bitch to him and the other 'bots. Though Shane tried to have her take somethings back because they even hurt Shane, she wouldn't. Everything she said – that they were freaks – weirdo assholes – it was all hurtful. Cade never wanted his daughter to be that way with anyone; especially to the mecha that kept them alive, found shelter, and protection. They didn't deserve those words. And even though she always had a strong head when it came about her 1st amendment right, she still had to show some respect to those that did so much from them. And mostly without being asked.

They were brave, and thoughtful creatures, though yes, arrogant at times, they still tried their best at the situation.

Cade looked dumbly towards the window that Drift was standing in front of. He could faintly hear his talking with Crosshairs, but it was not clear enough to know precisely what they were saying.

Drift was worried for Cade; he hadn't seen him like this. Ever. Though the Autobots have not been around this human for the longest of time, and they were not entirely used to him actually being anything other than the normal Cade. Springy and inventive, until Optimus left, he still had some small inventive spirit that laid dormant. It was still strange for the mecha to get used to him not being that way, that's how they kind of met.

Crosshairs resisted his sigh, "He'll come out of this," he staggered closer, "You'll see." Drift wasn't so sure that Cade would want to, he knew that when he was under the influence of Syk, he had gone crazy and did regrettable things. Drift puffed some steam from the vents on his face, "I want to help him," he said close to a whimper. Crosshairs raised his hands to Drift's shoulders, holding him firm, "I know you do, but he ain't accepting help from ya. He needs to help himself."

They just stood there until Drift's vents hitched and his optics dimmed. "I'm terrible, aren't I?" Drift hiccupped. Crosshairs looked at him was softening optics. He knew how Drift often blamed himself for the miss comings of the Autobot cause. Since for a time he was a Decepticon, fighting now for the side that was deemed replaceable. Drift would never forget the faces of those he killed out of cold blood. Or their screams in his audials, their pleas, he'd never forget them. There was too much guilt that rocked his frame if tried.

Crosshairs' grip shifted from Drift's shoulders to just above his hips. "You're not terrible, you ain't," he said softly. Drift had his head turned away, appalled with himself. "Hey, look at me," Crosshairs' took an arm and danced his fingers under Drift's jaw. He shifted ever so slightly. Cross turned Drift's head toward him, dimmed blue optics lined with silver-blue washer fluid. "You've done a lot, a lot more than anyone," Drift blinked, trying to clear his optics. Crosshairs continued, "You've managed a lot of things, some even I couldn't have handled, but you made it through. This time is no different," Cross leaned in close. "And I'll be here wit'cha."

That's when Drift's optics leaked. At first it was only a few then the damn let loose. Crosshairs pulled him close to his frame and stroked his back, one hand holding the back of his head. "You've been through a lot, Drift. I'll be around," he pecked the top of Drift's head. "For as long as you'll have me," that made Drift's spark jump in its casing. He still had hope, but could he help Cade find his own? Or would Drift have to watch and wonder if Cade will even try to find any?

Note: OMP halpppppp..... I'm tired and the day has barely started. Welp, I'm going to try and write some more for this and the rest of my stories. In a few days I'll have a couple off so then I will most certainly try. BTW, sorry this is short. They will go back to ~2,000 ish words but at the moment I just need to get it moving so I won't lose interest. See ya and thanks!

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