7: Optimus

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It was again quiet and in an almost uneasy way peaceful. Everyone had decided to go do their own thing, but he kind of just – did not know what to do with himself. What would you do on a giant ship, with a friend that you thought was dead, with her mate who you also thought was dead and creations? He wasn't sure. So he just stood and paced the halls, the ones that were closer to the kitchen. They had more lights of then the corridors that lead from the HAB suites.

But out of the silence, there was a crashing sound. It wasn't like the crashing noise that happened before in the kitchen. It sounded oddly familiar. He followed it. As Optimus followed, it's volume gradually increased. What he was hearing then left the sound of crashing to something that sounded like yell – screaming. His steps were a little quicker, the sounds changed again. It was leading towards the kitchen?

Optimus stepped towards the door, it sliding into the wall and out of the way; and what was revealed surprised him. But then again it really shouldn't have, this was Nightblade. She's odd... along with her tastes of music. As he stood there she was just doing her thing, going along with the song and cleaning the kitchen – as it would seem. Hell, it didn't look like she noticed him standing there.

And then the song came to what sounded almost abrupt stop. It clicked over to a much slower song, but it had a similar voice to the one he followed. Its volume was also lower and so loud that it sounded like a scream or it be screechy.

"Hello Optimus." She didn't turn to face him but she did put something else back where it belonged in a privacy cabinet. His frame relaxed, he hadn't even noticed that he was tense. Night turned around with a slow ease, head bowed slightly as if she'd been waiting for him to arrive. In a not-so odd way, she had been, but her methods of bringing him to her were far from conventional.

His solemn reply was a curt nod. She gave him a sad look but pushed it away. "So what brings you to my little corner of crazy?" Night asked with a crooked smile, a tilt to her head. His optics dimmed and glanced around the room. "I heard some noise, and I was coming to investigate. It didn't sound well."

Night then gave him a look of 'what the frag are you talking about?', but that's because she calls that noise music. Most everyone on the ship has come to terms with this odd fact of hers. She likes Terran music. She nodded, "Oh, well, that's my musical taste. Sorry if it sounded out of place." The song that was playing stopped, another one started up. Light and airy, it was a calm tempoed beat. What is this?

His dimmed blue optics left hers and scanned the room. "It's alright. Out of habit." She nodded again. "What is this?" The song sped up just a bit. Her optics narrowed, another 'what the frag' look on her face. But then realization hit her. "What – the song? Elective Amnesia."

There was silence in the room – aside from the music that was playing. Nightblade groaned and threw her arms behind her head. "Why are we so awkward now? Help!" She laughed with her hands resting on the back of her head. One of the slightest smiles on Optimus' face showed itself. "Oh, I can't. I don't know you." His arms then crossed his chassis. She gasped, her hands were balled into fists above her spark chamber. "You've wounded me!" Then, dramatically she fell to her knees. And then, just as quickly as she had 'fallen', she recollected her composure. The two, both, laughed lightly.

A contented sigh, exchanged for the two. "I've missed you." He said softly, a soft-sad smile on his lips. "Me too. It has been far too long since either of us have done something so simple." She glanced at something behind him, turn her gaze to her friend. "Maybe this can continue when we-"

A blaring sound, over powering the music made Optimus almost flinch. A pillar popped from the floor, beeping. She rolled over and pushed one thing that popped also from the surface. "Screwloose. About damn time. I've been waiting for your report." Optimus turned around and saw a gold and dull looking mecha on a screen. Optics also a dulled blue, a look of tireness in his features.

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