14: Nightblade

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"You should go check on him, see if he's coming or not," Skyblaze said as the landing gear had deployed. Sky pushed the control lever slowly, engines hissing in retaliation. "You're right about that. I don't want to leave here even if he wants to," she disengaged the seat's restraints. "I'll give you a shout on whatever."

Casually rolling down the way, when she knew no one was looking, she opened up something on the wall. The wall slid open like before but instead of showing a room or a corridor, it showed a purple, flexing light. She tapped the just as she walked into it, closing back the wall. She cheated her way through the ship. Another slab on another wall opened up and she was outside Optimus' HAB unit. She knocked on the door, carrying an echoed clank, but no response. "Optimus? You're in there, right?" There was no response.

There was a worried pulse that beat behind her breast plate, much like before when he did not answer the door. This was deja vu to a near painful degree. "Optimus?" Vents blared out a puff of steam, her optics boring into the metal of the door. Still, there was no response. Now, she initiated the code to open up the door. It slid open, mostly. Odd, she thought, pushing her way through the thin entrance.

As her optics adjusted to the dim room, she froze. Her frame thrusted forward, avoiding the topled berth that was in her way. "Optimus! Orion!" Hands grasping at his arms, in her fleeting hope to wake him. Night opened a hatch on his arm, eyeing his frame levels, frowning at what she found. System's put into forced shutdown, low on transmission fluids, however not dangerously low. That would have to be the least of the troubles, he was still unresponsive.

Closing up the hatch, kneeling down, she wrapped her arm around his torso, her arm catching just under his armpit. And he was hoisted up, dragged on the ground at first, Night took hold of his knee. With his torso against hers, she could feel the cold and heat that radiated off of his frame. Night rolled over to the door and kicked it twice (because that works) and it slid open.

She calmly (as she mentally could muster) and opened up a Comm. Link to her mate. "Sky, get the way clear to the medical bay," Night said as she made her way down the halls. She couldn't go the way she came, it only works with one body at a time.

Otherwise, she would have taken that route, but right now, she had to focus on swooshing her way without cutting a bad corner and have them both crash. And ultimately, that could hurt Optimus more than he already could be. "I'll get an announcement out," Sky bleeped in, moments later the outer Comm. Systems booted up. From where Night was, she could only make out mumbling and a kind of static that bleed through the lines. Then it went silent.

She got to the kitchen, a quick cut through will lead over to the training area, and then they'd almost be to the dock of the ship. "What happened?" Sky then asked, Night pushed through the kitchen, the training area's doors slide open. "Found Optimus unresponsive. I didn't want to scare everyone." It was only a half truth, she was absolutely terrified finding him like that. "Make sure they even clear the medical bay, or have the back open for us." Night was almost to the docking bay. "I'm on it," was the last thing Sky said before Night weaved her way down and out of the ship.

After charging through, bypassing a few systems, the two were in the medbay. It was the emergency suite, the one for surgeries. Nickel, one of the other medics planetside that stayed in the medical bay near constant. Nightblade laid down the red and blue mech. Nickel saw the worry in her optics.

Nickel, she knew what Skyblaze had said over the direct Comm. to her, and even she, an ex-con, was concerned for the last standing Prime. Night looked at her, before she could even say a glyph pattern Nickel spoke out. "Bay's locked and cleared. There weren't anyone here to begin with," she said simply. Night only gave a curt nod, to begin connecting and probing, however finding no physical troubles with the Prime.

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