3. Obi-Wan

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The ship landed on Polis Massa. Obi-Wan carried Padmé off the ship, still crying, but now in labor. Bail Organa met them there. "What happened, Padmé," Organa yelled as one of the droid nurses took her away.

"He's dead," she replied, "he's dead!" She disappeared behind the doors. Obi-Wan was about to walk in the doors when Bail grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. "What happened, Kenobi," he questioned, "why is she screaming?"

"Didn't you hear her," he replied, "Anakin's dead. He. Is. Dead. And it's all my fault." He lowered his head and looked at the ground.

"Why is it your fault?"

"I killed him, senator. I killed my friend, my Padawan, my brother..." Obi-Wan's voice drifted off.

"Why, I'm so sorry, Obi-Wan," he said, softening his voice, "I didn't know..."

"Don't let 3P0 know. The droid thinks he's coming back. It will break him if he knew that Anakin was gone."

"Okay. Well, we might as well go check on Padmé."

"Good idea." They both ran in together to find her.

She had been placed in a room and several nurse droids surrounded her. One of them stood at the door.

They both came to a screeching halt when they saw her. They both went up the droid guarding the door. "How is she," Obi-Wan asked it, "will she be alright?"

"Her voice box is mildly damaged, but all in all, she is well."

They sighed with relief. "She will deliver her babies soon," continued the droid.

"Babies," Obi-Wan asked, "you mean there's more than one?"

"Yes, she is having twins." All of them heard a scream from the inside. "They must be close," said the droid, "I better go inside."

The screams came louder as the door opened. The hallway was almost silent when the door closed. They both sat down on a bench against the far wall.

This is weird, Obi-Wan thought as he sat down, I thought Master Yoda was with the senator. I wonder if he is alright...

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