12. Darth Sidious

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"We need to find the killer and soon," yelled Darth Sidious to his new Stormtroopers, coming back from a meeting with the leader of Genosis, "or else the Empire will think that we have failed to keep them safe! Do any of you have something?"

One of the Stormtroopers stood up. "Yes, I have some information that could lead to the capture of the killer."

The room was silent. "Well," Sidious yelled, "say something!"

"Oh, okay. Well, some of my sources said he could be a hermit, and that now, he is staying in Tatoonie. The source didn't say where, but I really trust him."

"Well, off to Tatoonie we go!" The ship made a violent turn and headed towards the desert planet.

The Stormtroopers left the room and went into their quarters. The Stormtrooper that presented the information went straight into his quarters. He locked the door and took off his helmet. He went to his desk and made a call to an old friend.

"Hello, yes, I told them the information. No, I didn't tell them that he was going to the nest! I told them that he was in Tatoonie! I'm not dumb, you know. He should be heading to the nest at any time..."

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