7. Obi-Wan

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"Padmé," Obi-Wan, "why can't you have both of the children? I bet you that the handmaidens will help you raise them."

"What about all of the things that they can't do to help," she replied, "I don't one to be in my life all of the time. That will be too much for them."

"Aren't they supposed to help you all of the time," Bail asked.

"Yes, but this is different."


"I knew that I was having twins, but they didn't. If I showed up with two, they would question my authority and trust!" Silence entered the room. Obi-Wan started to question her trust.

"Why didn't you tell us," he asked, "or why didn't you tell them?"

"I didn't have the heart to. Organa, you have always wanted a baby girl, correct?"

"Yes," Bail replied.

"Well, would you like Leia?"

He started to tear up. "Yes, yes I would. I will keep her name." Padmé then handed the little girl to Bail. "Good-bye, Leia," Padmé said, "I will miss you dearly." Bail left the room and went back to Alderaan.

A nurse droid came into the room. "There has been an announcement from Emperor Palpetine: 'The Sith Lord, Anakin Skywalker, otherwise known as Darth Vader, has been killed on Mustafar. His remains have been returned to Coruscant and there will be a funeral tomorrow. It will last all day.

"'He was killed, most likely by a Jedi. The killer will be searched until justice is found for Anakin Skywalker, or Darth Vader.' Thank you for listening." The droid left.

Obi-Wan sighed. Would I dare showing up at the funeral, he thought, would they suspect me?

"I would like to attend the funeral," said Padmé, "so I can see him one last time. Are you going to go, Kenobi?"

"I don't know, Padmé," he shrugged, "I don't know..."

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