6. Darth Sidious

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"Maybe the killer went to Coruscant," a clonetrooper said to Darth Sidious as they were flying out of Mustafar, "to dispose of the lightsaber in the city."

"I believe," Darth Sidious replied, "that they might have disposed of it somewhere else, like Hoth or Endor, where almost no humans live. Before we go there, though, we need to back to Coruscant, to bury Darth Vader. Maybe the killer will show up there."

"We will alert all of the other clones to be on high alert at the funeral. Speaking of funeral, when should we have it, Lord Sidious?"

"One day after we return to Coruscant and alert the rest of the galaxy."

"Are you sure that we should invite other people? They might be upset by what he has done."

"People will show up, people will come. I just know it..." 

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