11. Obi-Wan

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After Obi-Wan met up with Commander Cody, they escaped to Tatoonie. Cody went there to be out of the hands of Emperor Palpatine, and Obi-Wan went there to escape everything. People could easily contact Obi-Wan, but he mostly stayed secluded in the caves on the outskirts of his property.

One day, eleven months after he escaped, a knock rattled him. I wonder who that could be, he wondered.

He carefully opened the door to see a young woman, not much younger as Anakin was when he died. "May I help you?" he asked.

"Are you Obi-Wan Kenobi?" she asked.

"Why, yes I am. Do you need something?"

"I have come here to take you to Naboo, on Queen Amidala's orders."

"Padmé? Why does she want me to go there?"

"She wishes to see you again, sir."

Obi-Wan started to laugh. "Why does she want to see me? The persons that she would kill for to see would be Anakin and Leia, not me. I'm probably the last person in the galaxy she would want to see."

The woman shook her head. "She has no one besides you, sir."

"She has her handmaidens, Luke, and the Organas."

"She hates seeing you alone."

"I am perfectly fine alone!" But, in reality, he hated being alone. He started hearing Anakin calling him at night. He started seeing him in the town. Everywhere he went, so did Anakin. He began to go crazy, almost to the point of no return. He sighed and looked down. "Does she really want me there? I don't want to be in a place where no one wants me."

"She really wants you there, sir. If you want to go, we have to leave immediately."


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