4. Darth Sidious

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Darth Sidious had his clonetroopers examine the whole planet, looking for evidence. "It's too bad that Darth Vader broke the security features when he was killing the Tax Federation," one clonetrooper said, "we might have been able to see if anyone was with him."

"Well, keep searching," the Sith Lord yelled, "his lightsaber must be around here somewhere!" That's when he saw an imprint in the ground, no larger or smaller than a lightsaber.

"His lightsaber was here," Darth Sidious called, "it was here! The killer must have taken it with him after he killed Vader."

"Whoever has his lightsaber must be the killer, then," another clonetrooper said, "so, we can find the lightsaber, and it will lead us straight to him!"

"Great idea! Now, let us search far and wide, all over the galaxy! The killer will pay the price..."

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