10. Darth Sidious

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"Everyone," Darth Sidious yelled through the microphone, "listen to me!" The chatter of the funeral goers stopped.

"Someone killed young Darth Vader, and that person will pay for his death. But, today, we are gathered to not mourn his death, but to celebrate his life!" The crowd erupted in cheers and sobs.

"He was the greatest Jedi that has ever lived! But, he didn't get what he wanted. So, he came to me, and joined the Dark Side! I gave him instructions to get rid of the Tax Federation, but after he did the deed, someone killed him. He was left suffering in the lava on Mustafar." Things like, "Avenge his death!" and, "Make the killer suffer!" were yelled by the men. The women were weeping and sobbing. One woman, though, standing near the front, just kept her head down. Darth Sidious could tell that this woman was crying. Her tears were as silent as the killer...

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