8. Darth Sidious

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Thousands upon thousands of people showed up to the funeral. The one person they would expect not to be there showed up.

Darth Sidious was standing on a platform near Anakin's casket, when he saw the man walk up.

"Why is he here?" Darth Sidious asked his clonetroopers.

"Well," one of them replied, "why shouldn't he be here? After all, Darth Vader was his Padawan."

"That man ruined Darth Vader's life! Tell him to scram!"

"But, but, we can't just tell him to get away! He just wants to see his friend for one last time!"

"I don't care, Commander! He needs to leave!"

"Just let him stay, for a little while. Just for a few minutes."

Darth Sidious sighed. Should I just kill him now, he wondered, or should I see what he is up to? He couldn't kill Darth Vader. He was his best friend. He wouldn't have the strength to kill his friend.

"Fine, he can stay," he muttered, "but just make sure what he up to! I'm trusting you, Commander. Watch his every move."

"Iwon't let you down, Lord Sidious..."    

How "Star Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Sith" Should Have EndedWhere stories live. Discover now