5. Obi-Wan

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"Where is Master Yoda," Obi-Wan asked Bail, "wasn't he with you?"

"He told me to drop him off at Dagboah. He said that he would be safer there than anywhere else."

"Did he defeat Darth Sidious?"

"No, no he did not. He said that he failed, and that he had to go into exile. He says to stay safe and to watch over the child, or, children."

More screams came from the room, but they weren't Padmé's. One of the twins was born. They heard more screams as time passed, and finally, the twins were out. One of the droid nurses came out.

"Are the babies healthy," asked Bail, "are they alright?"

"Yes," replied the nurse, "they are fine. She had a boy and a girl, Luke and Leia. She has asked for the both of you to see them." The nurse opened the door, and both Obi-Wan and Bail went inside.

Padmé was lying on the table with both of the twins in her arms. "Aren't they wonderful," she asked them.

"Yes, Padmé," Obi-Wan replied, "they are wonderful."

"It's just too bad I can't take both..."

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