Chapter 3

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"Mia, Kylo-Ren has summoned you to his private meeting room." A droid called out. Ugh. I was so comfy in my bed. And it's only been half an hour of napping. "Be there in 10 minutes." I responded drowsily. I put my uniform and makeup back on, grabbed my lightsaber, and headed to father. I bet it's a mission briefing or something. Or he wanted to spend some father-daughter time with me. Ha, like that ever happened. The only time I spent with him was for training and meals. Sometimes he would scold me for taunting Phasma, or check on me if I got sick, though. Snoake may be the leader, but father does so much for the First Order. It's hard for him to find time with me. I realize now that maybe part of the reason he wanted me to become apprentice so soon was so that he could spend time with me. I am, after all, his daughter.
"Oof!" I mumbled. I accidentally ran into a young Stormtrooper in training. I could tell by his uniform. He immediately bowed, and stuttered,
"I-I am so-o sor-ry mistress."
"Don't worry, it's my fault. I was lost in my thoughts."
"I'm-m Oquet, by the way. You-u must b-be Kylo-Ren's apprentice, M-Mia." How did word spread so quickly?
"Indeed I am. Oquet is it? Why are you trembling?"
"I-I guess I'm nervous. You know, being around someone as powerful as you. And I have a test coming up, so I really want to do well."
I smiled gently. He's afraid because of all the things I've done to stupid Stormtroopers. I leave those training to be Stormtroopers alone, or those who actually do their job right.
"Don't be nervous. You should focus to be the best you that you can be. Have confidence in everything that you do. Also, don't worry, I don't bite.... at least with trainees."
He brightened up at my advice.
"Thank you for your advice, mistress. I must go now, I hope to see you again soon!"
"Your welcome. Farewell, Oquet." I said. He bowed and strode away, with his back straighter than when I had talked to him. Just then, a droid came by, urgently telling me to meet father right away. I told it that I'm literally 10 steps away, and it went crashing down to the polished black floor.
Uh... clean up in hallway Alpha 1? As soon as I got to father's room, I found that the door was open. Weird.. father never leaves the door open. I looked at the hinges and realized that door was sliced off by a lightsaber.
"Father?" I called out worriedly. I crept inside, afraid, for some reason. I looked around. The dark room was a mess. The computers, important documents, and other stuff was everywhere. I heard footsteps in the hallway, so I force-pushed a table in front of the door, and closed it. Suddenly, I heard- no felt- something calling to me. I turned and found father's lightsaber on the ground. Next it, however, was the object that called to me. It was a diary. I picked it up, and examined it. "Ben Solo", it said on the front cover. Ben Solo. That's father's true name. Han Solo and Leia Organa are his parents. Something happened between them that caused father to turn to the dark side. I clenched the diary in anger. They should have cared about their son, instead of being so selfish and caring about themselves. I opened the book. The first page read:
Hello. I have been given you to record my feelings. I am starting to learn the ways of the force with Luke Skywalker, one of the greatest Jedi known to all. I'm glad to have him as my uncle. Before I forget, my name is Ben Solo, named after one of the greatest Jedi who has ever lived, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He went by the name of Ben at one point.
I smiled, reading the writing of the young boy father used to be. I wonder what secrets await to be read. I flipped a few more pages.
Uncle Luke is pretty powerful. I hope to one day be as great as him. Uncle Luke says I'm doing really well. I'm still pretty mad that my parents sent me away though. Mom and dad have been fighting so much. Whenever I talk to them in hologram, they always seem to be bickering about something. Good news though, I made a new friend. She's pretty nice.
Hmm... I skipped a big chunk.
I found out that my grandfather was Darth Vader. He betrayed the Jedi and became a powerful Sith. There's a teacher who told me this. Apparently I wasn't supposed to find out. And if that wasn't enough, there's a stupidly good new student. Her name is-

"Mia." Father said sternly. His mask is off, for some reason. His eyes seemed troubled. He looked like he was slashing objects in anger again. He did that when he was in anger. Nervously handing him his lightsaber back, I replied, "Uh- I'm sorry, you had summoned me, but I didn't see and got distracted. Please don't be mad?"
Father straightened up, and went back to the impassive authority figure he tries to put on at all times.
"I forgive you. Mia, I want you become one of the knights of Ren. For this to happen, Supreme Leader Snoke has asked you to see him. He will test your ability to use the force and fight. He will forgive your lack of faith in the dark side because you are merely a child. After you are inducted, we will send you on a mission to find the Resistance. If you doing anything against the First Order, you will face severe consequences."
"Yes father, I understand."
A knight of Ren? Aren't I too young? I mean.. everyone is at least 25 years old........
"Father, you sure I'm not too young? Also... there isn't many women...."
"Which is why you are being put with the Knights. You are so strong with the force, and so talented at such a young age.. you remind me of myself when I was your age."
I smiled, and surprised him with a hug. He surprised me back, by hugging me back. I wish he was calm like this more often.
After wishing him good-bye, an unsettling thought sat in the back of my mind. Do I really want to be a knight of Ren? It's a big honor, and father is happy but... am I truly faithful to the dark side of the Force? I feel the light and dark pull me apart, as though I would be ripped into two.

Author's note:

short chapter, sowie! Love ya!

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