Chapter 15: Gang escape

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"But why my Chariot?"
"Because it's the only option we had..."
"But there were TONS OF OTHER SHIPS!!"
"Yeah, they were being used, fixed, or TOO SMALL!!"
"REALLY NOW?!" I gave Finn the glare I might give if I was going to Force-choke someone, but I wasn't going to do that at Finn. He seemed a bit tense.
"Okay, okay! Your ship is so much more cooler than the ones that were available."
"That's true." I admitted and laughed. He was also startled into laughter, but seemed a bit nervous.
"Did I scare you?"
"A little... your dad is pretty scary...."
"Yeah, I tend to be intimidating."
"If you two are done chatting, can we please get a move on?" Poe called out. "NO ONE TOUCHES MY SHIP!!!" I yelled as I got on. BB-14 rolled in, followed by BB-8 and Rey. We took off to find the lost Rebel squadron.
"We have spotted the location of the gang. They are on a hauler near Jeddha." Rey told one of the Rebel captains on hologram.
"Wonder what their hauling...." I pondered as I signaled the Falcon.
"Chewie, you guys go on the Starboard side. You guys should take care of the guards and get the squadron. Rey and I will go from the opposite side. We will distract them. There'll be an alarm once you've opened the cells, where the squadron are being held. As soon as the alarm goes off, we'll go to you. There are some Stormtroopers throughout the ship. Good luck, and may the Force with you." I said over the communicator. With an affirmative "roo" from Chewie, we proceeded with the plan. An odd feeling overcame me, and the vision I had about General Hux shooting the class of Stormtrooper trainees came back to me. I reached out across the hauler.
Hux is on the ship. I jumped out in horror.
"HUX?!" I hoarsely screamed.
"Mia? Are you-"
"General Hux is aboard that hauler!" I began to panic mentally. The there was a loud vibration throughout the ship, which I vaguely heard.
What is Hux doing there?!
Does he know about the Stormtrooper class?
Wait... but...
Why would Hux be speaking to a gang? The First Order never talked to gangs, unless someone's head was wanted for a high price.
And that Stormtrooper class, at least in the eyes of the First Order council, is vital for the success of the First Order. So there couldn't be a price for them, could there? And it's not like the rebels had any important missions or such that caught the eye of the Order yet....
"BB-14, turn on the ship disguise. Rey and BB-8, you might want to stand closer to the cockpit. I've got to put on my disguise, as soon as the disguise is turned on."
"What are you-"
"General Hux, from the First Order. My father and he hate each other. Hux hates me too. Which means he knows what my ship looks like, as well as I."
Rey blinked confusedly, but did as told. The ship whirred as part of the ship switched positions with another part, and then the metal outer layer switched from shiny silver to rusty bronze. "Mia? Rey? What's going on?" I heard Finn on the communicator. As Rey answered, I quickly went and changed into a tan jumpsuit and dark brown hood. There was a small piece of cloth attached to the hood that went over my mouth and nose, which included a voice disguiser. I ran back and made the landing approach. "Get ready.." I whispered, as we crept off board.
"Hey what are you doing here?!" A guard called out. I knocked him out with the Force.
His voice seemed to have carried through the corridors, because we heard shouting. A large Hutt, followed by a group of his followers.
"What are you doing here?!" The large glob asked, in Huttese.
"We were looking strike a bargain." I replied, in the same dialect.
"For what? It better be good, if you don't want to be in trouble for breaking in."
"How about a Rathar? Rather, 10?"
"How does a tiny crew such as yourselves acquire so many Rathars?"
"It takes a while, and we found a few from someone who was looking to run aw-"
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Hux's voice roared as he entered. Rey pulled her hood down as well. I shifted uncomfortably as he stared at me.
"Nabba, you were supposed to be discussing a bargain with me, not these fools!" He yelled, turning to the angered Hutt, who whispered to the translator.
"Nabba says he wants more pay if he's going to hand over so many rebels." I stiffened.
"The First Order does not tolerate lowly gangs."
"Nabba doesn't care."
"Well, Nabba should!"
"These people," he gestured to us, "have a better offer for us. Nabba would rather have Rathars than money because you are paying a quarter the worth for rebels."
"But why would you trust these people? You don't even know who they are."
Nabba and the translator whispered to one another. I stepped in with the Force, and took control of the weak minded translator.
"We don't know you that well either, Hux." He said, copying my quiet muttering of words. No one, other than Rey who felt me use the Force, noticed thankfully, with the cloth covering my mouth.
"You know I work for the First Order. That I'm a general. That's good enou-" The alarms began blaring. That's our cue. Rey and I raced to the Rebel squadron, using the Force to guide us.
"THEY ARE REBELS TOO!!! THEY WERE JUST A DISTRACTION!!" I heard Hux annoyingly yell.
"Rey! Mia!" Finn called out. We followed his voice to the Rebel lock up. The mini squadron of 10 were cramped in the large cell, only meant to hold 3. My eyes flicked to each set of eyes, looking for Oquet.
But I saw someone else as well.
"N-Nya?!" I called out, my voice shaking from shock. She came closer to me, and held on to the bars of the cell. "What are you doing here?"
"Same goes for you!"
"Answer me first!"
She sighed, and answered, "I joined the rebels, Mia. It was a year before you came to Naboo..." her voice began to crack as she slid down, "I-I didn't know how to tell y-y-you, the d-d-d-daughter of the very much feared-d Kylo Ren."
I bent down and put my palm against the wall of the cell.
"Nya, I understand why you didn't tell me," she looked at me in confusion with her watery eyes. "But I wouldn't have been furious with you. Your friendship is more important to me, even if you side the Rebels. In fact, I'm here with the rebels, not against."
"I'll explain later. Finn, is it open yet?"
"No the locking system isn't letting me in."
I flicked my lightsaber on and slashed the door off. "We gotta go now!! They're coming!" We split, the squadron going with Finn, except for Nya and Oquet who came with us.
"THIS WAY!" I heard Hux yell to a group of -to our dismay- Stormtroopers.
Of course he brought Stormtroopers.
This is going to make everything a lot more complicated and worse.
We raced around the gang and Stormtroopers, dodging any shots fired. Suddenly we came to a dead end.
"We need to get to find another way." Rey said, panting.
"Uh g-guys," Oquet said, "We're trapped." He pointed out. I turned and saw Hux and his Stormtroopers.
Oh no.
No, no, no, no.
"I recognize you," Hux jeered. He was looking at Oquet.
"Weren't you in my class?"
"HOW DARE YOU BETRAY THE FIRST ORDER?!" Hux yelled. The Stormtroopers began to take aim.
"Stop! He's my brother!" I quickly interfered.
"I don't believe you."
"It's true! Please let us go!" I pretended to beg. Of course he wouldn't let us go. We were going to have to fight our way out.
"No! Shoot them!" He commanded. I jumped to the nearest Stormtrooper and knocked him out with a blow to his head. I kicked another one and disarmed her. Rey took out her blue lightsaber and blocked off each shot. Nya and Oquet fought a few Stormtroopers, protecting BB-8 as well.
After a few minutes, more Stormtroopers came by, as well as a few gang members.
We were severely outnumbered.
I didn't want to have to do this, but I had no choice.
I have to use the Force and my lightsaber. potentially leaving a risk of my idea being revealed.
Because the daughter of Kylo Ren should never betray her own father for the Rebels. For the enemy.
I swung out my glorious violet weapon and swung it against the each laser that threatened to harm me of the others.
"Purple lightsaber?" Hux quietly muttered, unable to process why some random girl has a purple lightsaber. "The only other person to have one is.... the daughter of-"
"This belonged to Mace Windu, my great grandfather." I lied.
"A great Jedi General from a time before even you."
Whoosh! A Stormtrooper shot me, but the laser only hit my armored boot. I fell to the ground, trying to summon life into my numb right foot. Hux saw this distraction as an opportunity, and ran behind me.
"Lousy girl!" He scolded, pulling my long, braided hair.
"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled to him. He yanked my hair even more. I tried to Force push him, but there were Stormtroopers trying to seize my hands legs. I lunged forward, only to be pulled back abruptly.
"You are coming with me, Rebel Force-user! Kylo Ren will have your head!" No, but he will banish me to another galaxy if he found that his daughter was betraying him, I thought to myself.
"Let go!" With my hood barely hanging to my head, I was glad to be wearing a scarf over my face so that he still couldn't recognize me. The voice disguiser was a smart touch as well.

"Surrender now!" he yanked my hair further, pulling me slightly closer. Rey and the others were fighting of the Stormtroopers, and had no way of helping me without getting themselvers hurt. That left me one other option.

Its been a while since I last cut my long ebony hair. It fell to my hips.

Maybe its time to cut it again.

This very moment is the perfect time to cut it.

I swung my lightsaber behind me and slashed a large amount of hair. I felt the heat burn through each strand, until it was limp into Hux's shaking hands. He jumped back, startled from what I had just done. I spun around and flung my palm towards him, knocking him out and into a bunch of Stormtroopers.

"We have to go NOW!" I yelled to my fellow rebels, and ran out while everyone else was distracted. We zoomed throughout the Hauler and finally got to my ship.

"BB-14, scramble our signal!" I ordered, flipping each switch. We took off and headed back to Coruscant, with the Millenium Falcon not too far behind.


Mia.... A voice whispered in my head. It's my mum. There are secrets here too.

On Coruscant? What is she talking about?

Yes, sweetie. Use the Force. Not everyone is trustworthy. There are hidden things here too. You can find them.

Like what, mom? Please, I need to find you!

All in time... all in time...

I felt her leave my head. There has to be something here at the Capital building. I looked out my room's window and noticed that it was dark. That means less activity around the area. I put on the clothes I wore earlier and grabbe my lightsaber. As soon as I touched it, however, I saw a vision.

I was standing in a room, full of books and desks with holographic displays. It seems to be a i library of sorts. One of the displays had the entire galaxy on it. My attention was drawn toward a blinking blue light .

I have to find the library.

I need to know the secrets my mother wants me to find.

So I walked among the shadows, letting the Force guide me to the library. Surprisingly, there wasn't much security guarding such treasured room. I got in with much ease.
I sat down at one of the displays, and tried to find the blue light. It was a planet on the outer rims. It wasn't named yet, and has barely any information of it.
Odd. Why would this be?
I read through the information.
This planet has yet to be thoroughly surveyed by the New Republic. There seems to be gang activity there. However, there was a First Order ship that was spotted a few times.
My eyes widened. I tried scrolling downward, but for some reason the rest of the information was blocked.
The beautiful eyes of someone unknown to many yet loved wholeheartedly by two who live separately.
The error text read.
Could that be referring to me? It felt like it.
Not many outside the First Order know who I am. My mother is on some random planet, definitely not living with my father.
I clicked on the retinal scan, letting its camera scan my lavender eyes.
The file was opened.
Author's Note:
Hey!! Long time no see, ay? Been busy hehe... I'm taking my third and hopefully final SAT so wish me luck!
Wait.. is that.. 403 READS?! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!! THANK YOU!! Until next time!

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