1st Movement (Part 5)

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The new room reveals more questions than answers...

1st Movement "Wonder Tree" (Part 5)


From then on the mysterious tree continued to grow ceaselessly, as though to envelop the whole of the castle.

——Thus, before I realised it, another space appeared in the second floor again. This time it was the unlocking of the door on the left side of the planetarium room.

Lately, Deemo would leave me on the second floor and return to the tree's room alone to play the piano.

I tried to understand it but I couldn't. I figured he must have purposely put me on the second floor so that I wouldn't get in the way of his performances.

(Really! I don't care about Deemo anymore.)

With a heavy pout, I kept the fact of the opened right door from Deemo and secretly entered the room to take a look at what was inside.

I opened the door lightly. The moment I took a step into that brand new space, whatever small anger I had towards Deemo were quickly blown to the ends of the universe.

Before my eyes, with their afterimages staying no matter how much I blinked, countless stars were scattered all above.

(A starry sky...!)

The new space had a balcony with enough room for both Deemo and I, hand in hand, to run about in.

Also, the stars that I saw were different from the ones in the planetarium. They were real stars, shining and hanging up there in the universe.

(So the wind was blowing from here...)

Unlike the window I saw on the first floor, the sky that I saw here had not the tiniest bit of mist anywhere.

(Perhaps, compared to the first floor, the second floor is closer to the world I want to return to...)

However, there were only stars spread before my eyes; nothing else was there. There were no buildings, no people, no plants nor animals, not even a single tiny insect was there...

When I looked down, there was only a pitch-black darkness so dark that I wanted to avert my eyes, and it went on indefinitely...—— Perhaps the scenery that I saw was what was called "nothingness", which I slowly recalled.

——...This castle might just be a small planet floating in the universe...

As I stared at that "nothingness", with a sense of loss I was certain that that was the case. After all, right now, while I was still here and unable to see the light from other planets, that theory might be the most natural of all.

(So even if I do get out of the window, without a rocket, I won't be able to go home...)

But if this place really was on a different planet from Earth, then how did I even come to this world...?

(I don't understand...)

I was long tired of using the words 'I don't understand', and I had started to hate the fact that I had so many things I didn't know...


Letting out the many-thousandth sigh since coming to this world, I once again listened to Deemo's piano playing reaching me from the first floor. With nothing else to do I continued to look up to the vast starry sky, which gave me a sense of loneliness just by staring at it.

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