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Aria's POV
"Okay kids. Time for school" I called, packing their lunches and leaving them on the counter.
I couldn't believe they were starting kindergarten at the same school I had once gone to. I heard the thumps of little feet running towards me. They were excited. Most kids I know would have been terrified but they were Ezra's and I's kids, what else would you expect?
Mason ran down the steps first. He had a cute blue button down shirt and jeans on. He looked so much like Ezra. Hope ran down next. She had little pink dress on. She skips all the way to the kitchen.
"Good morning Mommy" She says, plopping into a chair.
"Good morning my beauty" I give her a kiss on her head.
Mason gets his cereal out of the cabinet and starts to pour it, creating a big mess. Lucky Charms scattered across the floor.
"I'm sorry, Mom!" He calls, trying to pick up all the pieces.
"That's alright. I'll clean it up" I pour him another bowel of cereal and clean it up as he eats.
Hope eats a granola bar and an apple, being a picky eater ever since she was a baby. I check the clock. It's 8:30. The bus comes at 8:45.
"Go brush your teeth. We gotta get going"
They throw away their trash and head to the bathroom. They return minutes later with their teeth brushed. They grab their book bags off the couch and stand by the door waiting for me. I opened the door and they followed me out of the apartment and down the stairs. They race each other to the front of the building and to the end of the street. They wait for me before they cross the street and onto the bus. My babies were growing up. I watched the bus pull away and I felt like I was about to cry. This was the day their dad was supposed to be with them. The day where everyone was happy. But no. I had signed divorce papers. I had full custody. Their dad wasn't going to be here and he never would. That made my heart hurt even more.

I miss you ( Sequel to Come back to me)Where stories live. Discover now