Starstruck and Breathless

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Jess' pov:

After watching the group leave, I grabbed the merch I picked out and started scanning them and placing them in a bag so I could use it to quickly change before I had to leave for the concert.

30(turdy) minutes went by and closing time had finally came around. I began locking up the register and placing all the CDs in their places, when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. Oh my.

"Hey babe, you got plans tonight? Because if not, I know what we could do." Jake growled into my ear, which sent shivers down my spine. I composed myself and continued placing the CDs back again. "Yes, Jake, I am going to a concert actually, so I should be on my way." I choked out, trying to not show how he affected me.

"Oh? Well, fine. I'll try again later." He said as he moved in front of me and softly kissed my lips, winking, and left me standing in my spot confused but oddly satisfied. It was a very weird feeling. That's not the first time he's pulled that game on me, so I'm pretty used to it, but it's just weird how he is so confident and sure he will get me. Eh.

As I knocked myself back into reality, I grabbed my bag with the merch, my car keys, and my purse and walked to my car. I opened the door and threw my belongings in the passenger seat, and dug through the bag to grab a shirt to wear. I finally found one I wanted and began to quickly take my shirt off and change it. Hopefully there are no pedophiles lurking. Oh god. Haha. This wouldn't be my night.

I grabbed my keys and put them in the ignition, hooking up my phone to my stereo and began blasting my babies. c:


It was a one hour drive to the arena, and the concert started in two hours, so it was a great opportunity to possibly meet the boys. I couldn't really afford any VIP tickets, because I spent most of my money on getting a seat that was close to the boys. So, I thought coming early would be the best if I wanted to get a glimpse of them.

As I arrived to the arena, there were already about fifty girls lined up at the back entrance of the arena, which was probably where the boys would be entering soon enough. I locked my car up, and held onto my purse while walking to where all the other girls seemed to have formed, and as if on cue, two tour buses came through, and it was like a madhouse.

The first tour bus stopped and a security guard stepped out to clear the way to let the boys out. Then it finally hit me that 5SoS would be touring with the boys as well. Durh! The first boy who stepped out was Luke, who looked very tired, but adorable as hell. Next was Calum, and he softly smiled at all of the fans and waved for a quick second. Following was Ashton and Michael, and the sight was adorable! Michael had Ashton on his back, and it looked like Ashton was tired as well.

They stopped for a few minutes to take some pictures and sign autographs, I wasn't really a huge fan of them, so I tried to stay back and not be a bother. Just a soon as I took my phone out to take a photo of the tour buses, Luke came towards my way, and he flashed a smile along with a sort of worried look. "Hey! Why are you over here all alone? Don't you want pictures or autographs?" He said as he smiled and began to fix his hair from where all the girls had messed it up previously.

I smiled and shrugged, "I've never really knew who you guys were, so I'd be really embarrassed if I just came up to you guys saying the wrong names and just looking like a fool." Luke chuckled a little bit as he held his hand out to get my phone. And with that, he turn the camera on and took a photo with me. "There, now you have complete sexiness on your phone." He laughed a little bit as he said it. I smiled awkwardly and replied "Thanks?" And held out my hand to greet him, "I'm Jess." I added. As he took my hand and shook it he replied, "Hi Jess! I'm Luke as you probably already know." He said winking at the last few words.

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