Surprise Surprise

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Jess' pov:

The concert was most likely the best concert I've ever been to. The boys were so amazing, and Liam held my hand while he sang Little Things. Jdkwoeuiwoe. I'm surprised I didn't faint.

Once the concert ended, I went to the different booths that were set up, and purchased a poster that was signed by all the boys, and was advertising their new movie, This Is Us. *sigh*

This has definitely been my most favourite night ever.

As I neared my car, I felt a strong hand wrap around my arm, and girl instincts told me I was going to be attacked.

I began to jolt my body around and tried to scream, but that was useless, because the large hand instantly covered my mouth, and the person began to tell me to be quiet. I obeyed their by nodding my head, and soon felt myself being turned around.

All I could see was a tall slender figure, and I cursed at Mother Nature for making night be so dark. From what I could tell, they were male, and were very fit. As soon as they saw me struggling to see them, he took a step forward and if I were in a cartoon, my eyes would have popped out of my head.

"Nathan!!" I yelled, and punched him in the shoulder as hard as I could. "Heyyyyyy, I was just trying to surprise you." He said with a soft smile, as he rubbed the spot that was probably going to be bruised in the morning. Nathan was one of my best friends from high school. He's one of those guys who swears up and down he's not homosexual, but friend instincts scream flamboyant and girly. He's also one of the most beautiful guys at our school, with blonde hair that kinda resembles Justin Bieber, if he were blonde of course, and was very tall. This attracted many of the girls at our school, but he hadn't dated anyone since middle school.

"That wasn't funny Nathan! The whole time I thought I was going to be murdered by some crazy lurker pedophile." I said flailing my arms, and pointing to god only knows where trying to get my point across that where I parked didn't look like a safe place at all. "You. HAshould. Haveee. S. S. Seen. You're. Face!" He said, doubling over and clutching his stomach. I'm astonished that what he managed to say even came out correctly from the amount of laughing and wheezing.

"Oh haha!" I said in a sarcastic tone, "What's made you come here anyways?" I questioned, I never knew he liked One Direction. "Oh, Sam finally convinced our mom to buy her tickets to see them." He replied. Oh. Duh. "Yeah, I just saw you walking to your car, so I decided I'd come say hey to you." He added.

"Yeah, well not in a very friendly way." I mumbled. He slapped my arm playfully, "Hey, you're alive babe. I've got to go, Sam's probably wondering where I am by now." I smiled at him and hugged him saying, "Alrighty, see you around!" And watched his figure become smaller and smaller in the distance.


After a long car ride back home, I decided to text my best friend and ask her if she wanted to join me to go clubbing.

To: Julie

From: Jess

Hey girl!! Want to come over? I just got back from the concert, it was amazing btw, I'd love to go clubbing if you're up for it! It's boring alone!! xx

I sat my phone down and began to choose an outfit for tonight. I know she'll say yes, she's always up for a good party.

I began digging through my closet and ended up taking out one of the short black dressed I owned, and found a pair of black toms. I've never really been the one to wear heels. They hurt my feet way too much.

After I got dressed, I set about doing my makeup. I started with a little bit of black eyeliner on my bottom lids, and a winged look with my liquid eyeliner. Some pink blush on my cheeks, red lipstick, and finishing powder to keep it on. My hair was the simplest part, as all I really did was tie the top part of my hair up and curled the bottom part of it.

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