Fresh Start

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Jess' pov:

After my 3 hour power nap, I was woken up by my alarm clock, currently blasting LWWY. I can't help that I am still a little bit of a fangirl. Let's just hope I don't show my true form. *shivers*

I propped myself off of my bed, and slowly walked towards my window. Opening it, the soft sound of rain filled my room, and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to leave it open and just fall back asleep. But today I have another meeting with the management to begin working on what I will be doing on the tour.

I can't believe I can actually say that. I'll be opening up for a worldwide tour. With the most famous boy band. It's surely better than having to sit around and do nothing but listen to music and fix CDs all day. What good of a life is that?

Tomorrow I need to quit my job there. There is no way that once it's out in the news and online that the boys finally found an opening act, and that it's a local, that I'll be able to continue to work there and expect to be left alone.

I stared out my window, watching the rain fall delicately. Rain was the one thing that could calm me down, and right about now I could use some calming down. Today was probably going to consist of either a lot of paperwork, a lot of singing/choreography, or a lot of both. Physically, I'm not ready, but my head was almost screaming in excitement and happiness to actually start to do something I love.

A few minutes slipped by, as my phone suddenly buzzed on my desk, signalling that I had received a text message. I turned around to reach over to grab my phone and turned the screen on.

L.P- "Hey Jess! :) Got anything planned for today? I thought we could get to know each other a bit more." The text read, blush beginning to creep onto my cheeks. It's like middle school all over again.

I tapped away on my screen replying, "I'm meeting management," I began to type, stopping for a second. Should I tell him? Nah, let's make it a surprise. I lightly pressed the delete button, and retyped what I decided on saying. "I am actually meeting with a few people today, maybe later? I believe the meeting ends around 3:45." I replied. It should be a huge surprise to him, one of the managers, Mike, texted me the info on today. I would meet the boys, go over some ground rules that needed to be met during the tour, and talk about some other thing that apparently needed to be talked about in person and not through text. That made me nervous. Let's hope it's not like any of he fan fictions I've read.... (Awkward)

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the buzzing sound of my phone,

L.P- "Sure thing! I guess we'll discuss it until then? I have a meeting with management today about the tour, they found seeming to be the opening act! And we finally get to meet them. :) Mine ends around the same time, so I'll just call you when we both get out ! Bye love xx." The text read. I smiled at his text, hoping that he will be happy that I'm the opening act, and that this means we will have a lot more time to hang out.


I pulled into the parking lot of the management building, and grabbed my purse that was sitting in the passenger seat beside me, as I scanned over my makeup in the rear view mirror. I just wore plain old black liquid eyeliner, mascara, eyeliner, nude lipstick, and curled my hair, bringing my bangs to the back. I hate when my hair is in front if my face, it just feels awkward.

My outfit consisted of so many layers today. With the rain came some pretty cold weather, but I guess that's what I get for living on the east coast. I wore simple denim skinny jeans, rain boots, a sweater, and a pea coat on top of that. To us Floridians, that's a lot of clothes.

I opened my door, quickly hopping out of my car and clicking the button to lock my doors. Running to the building, I scanned the area for any sight if the boys, the last thing I want to do is ruin the surprise. I looked around the building and let out a sigh of relief.

Grace, one of the managers that decided who would be opening for the boys, waved happily at me, as she quickly paced herself towards the spot I was currently standing. "Okay, so we have the boys waiting in the main room for you, so follow me." She cheered. I nodded in agreement, not hesitating to follow her command. We turned a few corners before we stood in front of the large door that had a sign attached to it reading,


I couldn't help but smile a little at the fact that I had finally accomplished one goal in my life. After this, my life will change forever. I won't just be known as the random worker at the mall. Finally people might hear my name and know me as the girl who went for her dreams. And those dreams were to express my emotions and thoughts through songs, and have others relate. It all felt like a huge dream to me.

"Well? What are we waiting for?" Grace said, smiling as her hand gripped the handle, as she twisted it slowly, revealing 7 different people all looking in our direction, 5 of whom I would be spending the next few months with.

Liam's pov:

I sat impatiently in my chair along with the other lads, today management would finally tell us who they chose to be our opening act. I was just hoping they would actually be good. A part of me wishes we could tour with 5sos again, but they booked a few gigs here and there since the previous tour ended, and this one began. I've never been so proud to see a band become so well known so quickly. It took us about a year or so before anyone in America even knew about us.

The last tour had to have been the best, we all got along so well together, and I can only hope that we will get along with the new person(s) who are opening for us.

The creaky sound of the door jolted me out of my thoughts, I looked to my right side to see that the other four must have been a bit startled as well. Then it hit me. They weren't startled by the door, they were startled by who was at the door. Jessica. This better not be a prank. Or a dream.

I stared in awe along with the other four lads, as Grace lightly cleared her throat, "Welcome Jessica Hope to the family boys." She smiled, as she softly pushed Jess into the room, closing the door quietly behind her. "Isn't that the girl you had over a few days ago?" Louis whispered, looking towards me to search for an answer. "Y-yes." I said, still in a bit of shock and confusion. Louis jokingly punched my arm, "Mate, if you don't go for her, I will." He looked back over towards Jess, eyeing her as she sat down beside Niall, them chatting for a few seconds before another one of the managers spoke up. I'd have to keep my anger towards Lou for another time.

"Well, let's get started shall we?" Rob said, sitting up straight as he glanced at the six of us.


Had to stop here or I would have put two chapters in one again! Hope you like it! I'll update the next chapter after I publish this one, I've got no school for a while due to the snow, so updating will be a lot more this week. Obviously xD

From this point on, expect some drama. Maybe even the next chapter! I won't give away too much >:D vote and share if you are enjoying the story so far! It helps me out a lot, and helps me know that people actually are enjoying this. If you have any suggestions, don't be afraid to comment them, I'm always up for new ideas! Thanks! xx

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